Have you ever had a "Godwink" moment ?? I've had so many I can't count...I'll bet you have to...
Saturday I was working on a rug..Nothing fancy, just a design I threw together from one of my old doodles, but spaced elements apart to make it roomier for me to hook...
It just so happens to have a beeskep in it.... I hooked the flowers first and thought I had the wool picked out for the beeskep, but the more I looked at it, it was too orangey.
I began to search through all of my wool, but didn't have anything that I thought looked right. All of my tans were too light and blah...

As I sat here pondering what to do, my thoughts turn to quick prayers for help picking out the right color....
Next thing I know, the mailman is at my door with a package..hmmm, I didn't order anything.
I see that it is from a fellow blogger,
Carolyn. She had asked a few days before , to email her my address...she was up to a surprise, but I didn't know what, but wasn't thinking anything would come so soon....
Inside, was wool strips....wonderful, beautiful wool strips..They were separated in nice plastic baggies and looked so wonderful...Guess what was amongst them ?? Theeeee perfect tan checked wool strips !! God is sooo good, isn't He ??
She had hooked up the cutest little round coaster with a primitive bunny...And, when you see the pic ( the pic was taken of course after I've dumped all the wool strips out and dug through to get the tan and muddy brown for the background on my rug...), you need to read the tag that was included inside the bag of the TAN STRIPS..isn't that awesome ?

!!! Thank you sooo much Carolyn !! And like I said, your gift was Godsent !!!!
Well...later in the evening, hubby had gone to the store to pick up a few groceries...weather was horrible, snowing like crazy and I was all involved hooking my rug. I had chosen a wool from my re-cycled wool to do the accent inside the beeskep. I didn't really need much, and actually, I was cutting strips as I needed them.
***WARNING WARNING*** if the sight of blood makes you sick, DON"T SCROLL DOWN !!!!Why didn't anyone ever tell me that you are supposed to keep your fingers away from the blade of the rotary cutter while you are cutting your wool ??? Hmmmm?
This what happens when you are careless like me.....

I had to call for my daughter Taylor to come help me....The second it happened, I pulled my finger out of the way and blood went all over my shirt , down my arm...I knew it wasn't just a nick ( I had done that already the week before cutting some larger pieces for a wool applique piece) The Blade was brand spankin new !!I just bought it the week before !!!Guess where the piece of my finger was ?? Still on the blade !!! The blade was so sharp and it happened so fast, there wasn't even a drop of blood on the cutter or the chunk of my fingertip...weird. And this wasn't just the top layer of skin, it was alot deeper...It would not stop bleeding..I am a nurse, I did everything, cold damp rag, direct pressure, held my arm up high....I didn't have band aids so I called hubby at the store, to pick some up..Why ? he asks ...when I tell him, he told me to stop !! He was getting sick and woozy there in the store on the phone with me.....lol
Did you know that your pointer finger has a pulse of it's own ?? Well after cutting it, you can really feel it !!...lol
Of course, it did finally stop bleeding, hubby came home with band aids and I could finally remove the homemade dressing Taylor had made me out of a paper towel and first aid tape.I cleaned it, put a thin laer of neosporin on the band aid and covered it...What did I do next you ask ?? Cleaned off the rotary cutter blade ( no blood but I'm sure there was some of my DNA on it...lol )Inspected the wool for any blood ( clean as a whistle),and finished cutting my piece of wool.... I started hooking my rug again, but this time, I looked like I was at a fancy tea party, but I'm holding up my index finger instead of my pinky.... :)
My boo boo doesn't look too bad today, but it does hurt still..I was afraid to scrub the blood completely out from under the nail..( you can see it in the pic) it really does hurt and I a afraid of nicking the cut....lol

Sorry for the gruesome details, but I thought most of you could appreciate it, allthough, hopefully you move your finger out of the way before cutting fabric or wool with a rotary cutter.
I think he is a criminal ... I happened to find the culprits "mugshot".....lol
