Some years, I can just drag out my goodies and go to town...this year I feel overwhelmed and not knowing where to start...I have thinned out alot of my things...Changed my tastes a bit, but I do want to go too sparse or simpe and bland.... My tastes ran mor Country Primitive and Whimsical...and now I am going more for the early look , but with color and a little more meat to it...Am I making sense ??...Soooo...What I'm thinking, is this, ...I create little "vignettes" with what I like here and there in several corners or sections of the walls and on or in cabinets, instead of getting overwhelmed and trying to create that "overall" christmassy look, is that it ???
I don't have alot of nice primitive shelving or cabinets so I need to make do with what spaces and areas I do have.... here are some pics from last year...but like I said, I am going in a little bit different direction so ....any suggestions would be appreciated ....
ALSO....I am getting together a HUGE Giveaway...and also a seperate contest and opportunity to win a Christmas doll and stuff for anyone who purchases an EPattern this week.....I'll have pics and details tomorrow....
okay, let me get this right. you want to decorate those area sin the pics?? or you want ideas to change out some decorations? i will check back with ya in the morning. after i have coffee. lol
Hi Robin
I am NOT a good decorator. i so enjoy seeing how you did last year. My tastes have really changed over the years but I still incorporate a bit of everything.
I need to get cracking on my decorating.
Big hugs
I think the things you did last year are great.
I guess I like the little groupings or gatherings of things.
Instead of having things strung out put them in groupings maybe.
I think as time goes on 'less is more' - it has gotten so that we bring out EVERYTHING we have gathered over the years and try and fit it in and then nothing works.
Put all your items in the middle of your largest room - sort them out and see what looks good together and go from there instead of placing things here and there first.
You might find you don't want several of the items you used to use.
I am a huge fan of putting all my things in a room and sorting from there...I do that when I decide to change out my decorative items throughout the year.
Also, try just putting a few sprigs of greens in here and there with some of your things and you will find you need less of the decorative items. It's amazing how some pine greens can make anything look like Christmas.
Not sure if I'm making sense, but it works for me.
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I am having the same dilema you are. I love primitive but I also like whimsical...as in Dr. Seuss. The two don't really go together real well but I am trying to make it work. I definitely agree with Karen. I put all the little stuff on the dining room table and am finding little places here and there for it. Kind of like shopping from your own stash. I have whittled down over the years but feel I still have too much. And I did have some old garland that I am cutting up to use as little sprigs of greenery here and there. It has helped a lot. Haven't taken pictures yet but hope to tonight or tomorrow night. Just play a little and remember what Dear Hubby finally told me yesterday when I was at my wit's end. "It doesn't have to look like anyone else's, make it your own".
BYW, I have the same wallpaper border that you have in the first picture. Mine is in the dining room just at the top of the wainscoating. Don't you just love it?
I have gotten some little shelves from the consignments to put my christmas items on. Another item I got was a drying rack, great for hanging items on. My problems is cats, everything has to be cat proof;) I think greenery is what makes christmas, it makes the rooms feel warmer.
I know what you mean about being overwhelmed when it comes to decorating for Christmas. But, once I started, the juices flowed. Just start--it will all come together. Have a great day. Julie
Looks lovely as always Robin!!
Sometimes its hard to change things up....i know it is for me! I think anything you do will look great!
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