Bird In The Hand Primitives

Primitive Folk Art Designs and Finished Items
By: Robin Leuschen

" Who you are is God's gift to you........ What you do, is your gift to God !"

Friday, May 7, 2021

Slow Progress

Well, I’ve finally begun my re- entry into the world of rug hooking. I almost burned up in the “ atmosphere” before I even touched down. 

I get too worked up worrying about all the I shoulds and I needs. Lol

This is the design I’m doing and hoping to get it finished and putting it out as a pattern  

I also having troubles commenting on others blogs, and the comments on my own blog  I do most from my phone and I get error messages  …..

So , please forgive me if I don’t comment back to you  and I will try to get it sorted out  …

Here is a little stitching I did from my Folky Flower Pots Doodle Booklet  , I’m thinking of some decorative stitches as a border  … it was fine on hand dyed muslin  I don’t recommend it as it’s quite tough getting even a brand new sharp needle through the fabric. I have some hand dyed Osnaburg and I know that would have been a better choice  .

Have a lovely day everyone  😊

Friday, April 16, 2021

My offerings on PHM


Last night was the update on Primitive Handmades Mercantile. I was late getting my listings on ... Then early this morning I went to check them, noticed my PayPal buttons weren’t added correctly. I had to re-do them all. 

Busy hectic day yesterday and still getting all set up to start rug hooking again. 

Here is the frame and stand I got. 

Soon..... sorting through and organizing my wool today. 

Not sure why... I’m sure it will be a mess once I get going anyways. 🤪

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Getting closer ...

I’m getting a stash built ...

I’m getting closer and closer to finally being able to really set up and do some serious rug hooking. Oh, and I’m going to give the Oxford punch a try with narrow wool strips. 🤪

I just received my goodies from Primitive Homespuns Wool And Needleworks.....

Getting that wool stash and other needfuls. 

And I won a sweet canvas tote bag with stars on it. I love it. Thanks guys. 

Run, don’t walk , if you need wool or stitching supplies, patterns you name it, these guys are THEEEEEEE BEST 🥰🥰🥰

I purchased a stand , should be coming next week and for now hit a used Bliss cutter off EBay  .... it had a #6 blade on it snd came with an extra #8 YAY  

But...hubbs accidentally chipped the #8 blade putting it on and it SHREDS  the wool  so guess I get a new #8  oh well, C’est la vie  😊

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

***New*** Folky Flower Pots and progress on yarn hooking


I finished this little set of Folky Flower pots last night and it is added to my Etsy.

I was so tired but my computer was acting wonky, so I didn’t want to stop. Phew. She’s got a few more miles left in her I hope. Lol

And so close to the finish line on my hooked yarn mat. 

Have a great day. Going to be in the 60’s here today. Windows open already. Lol 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Come chat Live chat on YouTube


Going to be live with Doreen Brannan today on her YouTube channel Privies and Prims. 

We will be chatting and punching and I will be hooking and talking about my experiences with hooking this small rug with yarn instead of wool strips. Come on over at 3 pm and say hello and hit the thumbs up button it really helps her YouTube

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Progress on a hooked yarn rug


I was desperate to start hooking again. But alas I really don’t have much wool ( just small pieces here and there) so after seeing Saundra Porters challenge , I decided I could just draw up my own tulip and try booking with yarn. 

The foundation fabric isn’t even actual linen for hooking , but it’s something I had purchased from JoAnns years ago ( I think a large weave Aida cloth ) 

I only have a little 8” x 8” punch needle frame. Sooooo, I drew the tulip in the fabric ( it’s not even traced on, it was free hand and isn’t even symmetrical 🤦‍♀️

Well, I had only a few skeins of yarn that were actually what I’d venture to call primitive colors. 

It was looking quite sad , and let me say , hooking  with yarn is not for the faint of heart. The loops fall where they may, and even capturing the yarn without separating it is an art. Yikes. Well I finished the flower and made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for the speckled yarn for the background. 

Saundra, I hunted high and low for fabric, shirts t shirts ... nothing that would even remotely look presentable with these colors. 

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised to see it coming together after I began to hook the background. 

Ok enough rambling about one little rug. Lol

Have a great rest of the weekend folks. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

New Folky Roosters on Etsy


I finished up my watercolor painting of folky roosters. I switched up the colors on the polka dot one. I originally had done it using black. But switched it out for blue. 

Here is my Etsy :

Monday, March 1, 2021

Two new Rooster Designs and a few more challenge pieces


My daughter in law has chickens , and has begged me to do some chicken designs. I finished these up and colored them in my program on the computer. 
I haven’t done the nice deeper primitive colors in awhile so here we are 🤪
I am going to list the designs on my Etsy tomorrow ...
Here’s my finish. I made it too small and had some troubles with it but ahhhh, it’s finished. 


                  Above is a sweet start by Denise @ Sassafrass Hill Primitives. I love the colors she’s chosen. 

This is a sweet finish by 
Rhonda Smith. So sweet. And I LOVE those wooden carrots also. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Added Sailors Delight to Etsy and my finish


I added this design to my Etsy shop. It was originally in the Wool Street Journal years ago. 

This is actually one of the larger rugs I’ve completed and it was given to my son and dil as a wedding gift because they both love Americana decor. 

My Etsy shop is Birdinthehandprims 

And this is my finished punch needle piece for my #birdinthehandprimitiveschallenge. I printed my design a little too small I really had a tough time with some of the elements. 

Have a great rest of this beautiful Sunday. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Some wonderful finishes by others.


Look at this sweet lavender stitched pillow made by Debbie St.Germain ... this is one of my freebie doodles I offered here on my blog . 

This next one is a finish of one of the challenge doodles , punched by Jo Leedy Ritter Wick.... so fun to see what others do with my doodles. 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Started my first challenge punch... and my scratch pad...

 Hello. Wow sunshine and warmer temps here in NW Pa. 

I started to punch my first challenge design  I printed mine out just a bit too small, but we shall see how it ends up  my punch frame is only 8” x 8” so looking at the design, that tell you how small it is  

And, this is what I do when I’m impatient and on hold on the phone. Anyone else do this???
Enjoy what’s left of the afternoon. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Second option for doodle challenge


After posting a poll on my FB , another majority voted for a Spring Animal. Sooooo... here it ,,,

You can enlarge, make smaller , hook, punch needle, embroider, wool appliqué , cross stitch. Show me your pics and id love to post them here and FB and Instagram. 😊

Here is the plain line drawing :

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Freebie Doodle Challenge

Yesterday I posted a freebie doodle challenge on my FB,,, Now the only requirement is to enjoy the doodle and send me or post pics of progress or finishes, I'd love to post them on my social media platforms( FB and Instagram) and of course here on my blog....Hoping it will give you an extra little plug promoting your work or selling your goods.....

      You can punch needle, rug hook, wool applique, embroider or cross stitch....

The margins are a little big so feel free to make them smaller as to not have " Dead space".....

.I've drawn this up after placing a short poll as to what folks might like in the design, but it was almost split between Everyday Floral or Sampler and Spring Animal....

So I will be posting a second design with a Spring chick in



Thursday, February 18, 2021

Sneak Peek at PHM Update Offerings


I’ve been busy busy busy. Here are my offerings for the PHM Update tonight @9pm. 

Check all the other wonderful goodies by my fellow artists out as well. 🥰🥰

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Keeping busy


I’ve been busy getting ready for the Primitive Handmades Mercantile update. My Rabbit punch will soon be a complete pattern with color chart, diagram , detailed instructions and supply list. The design on the right is a freebie design from Rhonda Thomas of My Glory Stars. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Primitive Handmades Mercantile Freebie

Ooops forgot to post the doodle , not just the painting. 

 This freebie doodle is being offered on PHM this month. 

It’s a little doodle from a painting I did. 


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Lazy days......


This is my go to area. I sit here snd have my medicine, my purse , my scissors, pencils pens....mail gets sorted here, my Keto snacks are here... since I look at it so often during the day, I thought I’d show it. Oh , and yes I forgot to change the date on my calendar thingy ... lol

I’m going so slow on my punch needle. I need to get it finished to start on another one. Here’s my slow progress. 

Hope everyone is having an easy peasy day also 😊

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Freebie Doodle

I was going to add this design as a 4 th doodle in my Spring Doodle Booklet. But I wanted to show it as darker, less Springlike. So here it is as a Freebie. 😊😊😊

New Threads

 I got my new Valdani threads. I love this thread. I can already tell which ones will be my favorites. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

New Spring 2021 Doodle Booklet

 I’ve been busy all week drawing , tracing, painting ... 

I think I said it before, but I feel like I’m having to somehow make up for all these past few years I’ve been off doing different kinds of tomfoolery. Lol

So here is my newest stitchers booklet available on Etsy. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

It's been a busy week so far....


Well's been a week so far...well, only 3 days, but feels like a week.

Above, is a few new Spring drawings and doing watercolor swatches...I think I'm going to go deeper...I like the muted tones but not tooooo pastel looking.....

I'm scrambling to get my older punch needle patterns and doodle booklets on my Etsy...Since the closure of PatternMart, it's one of my few options for selling digital products....

Bird In The Hand Primitives by BirdInTheHandPrims on Etsy

Here is a photo of some of the designs from the Folky Bird Doodle booklet that I painted awhile back instead of punching or hooking....

Well, everyone, have an enjoyable rest of the evening....



Monday, January 25, 2021

***New Folk Hearts Doodle Booklet ** in my Etsy


I finally got these Folky Heart designs in a doodle booklet. Available for instant download in my Etsy shop. Thanks for taking a peek. 

Busy Monday morning

 Busy this Monday morning , tracing my Valentines designs to make into a doodle booklet.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Re- opened My Etsy shop

I bit the bullet and re opened my Etsy shop  I’m adding new patterns/doodle booklets ... 

Bird In The Hand Primitives by BirdInTheHandPrims on Etsy

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Working on Spring Designs

 I had fun drawing up and painting. New design for Spring....

I decided to do a time lapse video of me doing most of the painting. I had a little more details to do to finish it ...

Now , in to trying to configure colors in threads to punch it up. Enjoy the video. 


Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Tonight @ 9pm is the January update for Primitive Handmades Mercantile...I'm glad to be back ...Check out my goodies and all the other awesome artists offerings !!

Monday, January 4, 2021

Painting up some Valentines Designs


I’ve started out the New Year in high gear. 

Drawing snd painting up Valentines designs ... hoping to get them into pattern form. I can’t believe I never did anything with my Christmas paintings, but the Holidays were so crazy for me , sooooooo....

Have a Blessed day friends ..... Never let a Monday go to waste 🥰🥰