Monday, September 10, 2012

FREEBIE Halloween Doodle and some re-purposing pics from our new home...

I am trying to get into the Fall Fun...not that I am not excited about Fall and then Winter around the corner, but still so busy re-modeling and repairing, cleanup etc....So, since I haven't had much time to sit and doodle , I want to offer a doodle from  2010 that was offered as a pattern on weavers cloth at one time, as a freebie for you...
here it is:

Now...onto my re-purposed cabinets...We didn't expect to have to purchse a new countertop ad cabinets, but old water damage and mold was overwhelming, so we did, but didn't quite have enough to do the kitchen in its entirety...well, just for now, I;m easy to please, I am re-purposing some old cabinets from the garage that hubby was going to throw away...He is getting his garage all tidy and organized and has come across sopme wonderful filing cabinets, black sleek shiny huge and sturdyso he said out with the cabinets...
I am working on 3 seperate pieces for now and maybe more for bottom, but we'll see....
Here are pics of how the conversation progressed with hubby...
"Hey, these arent too bad, maybe I can use these in te kitchen for now " He says..What ? These??

After much grumbling about why I'd want the junk, then the idea hitting him, hey dont need to go out and spend money for now...okay !!!
So we took the top ones down and started with te small double on over what would be the stove area....
but I'm showing the larger double one in the befores because I forgot to get a before pic of the small double one..
scrubbed, bleached and dried out: great idea to add trim around the front panels to add character and almost make them look like raised panels...doesnt look like much here but wait for it:
Now...painted with a thin layer of white over the entire cabinets...., then sanded edges. etc with a palm sander: is the smaller double door piece all finished, hung over mu stove for spices,etc:

I still need to get my display spices on to and fill it, but so far not bad...I hate staining, I am horrible at it....
So I'll post pics of the other completed and some outside next time...still working on that, but it coming to gether so nicely !!!
Hopefull tomorrow I will sit and do some drawing and punching or hooking !!!
Hugs to you all!


  1. Nice...truly make do and free whoo hoo!! We're on the house hunting journey right now and looking for a fixer upper we can put our own twist on, fun to look but so far nothing that has all we want. Glad you're enjoying your new home. Love the patten, thanks! ~Kriss~

  2. I hate staining too! Love the way you think re: re-purposing, your spice cabinet is awesome! Thanks for sharing your talent with your "doodles"! ~*~Lisa

  3. Thank you for sharing the doodle.mlove what you did with the cabinet transformation.

  4. Wow Robin, I am so impressed. What a great transformation. Pat yourself on the back. Good to see you posing.

  5. As always your generousity is appreciated..thank you. and have fun with all your will truly be yours when you are done.

  6. I really like how you did the cabinets! Can't wait to see more!

  7. Your cupboards are perfect, Robin! Love 'em!

    Thank you for the freebie ~ what a giving soul you are!


  8. Thanks for the pattern Robin...I love all your designs and have actually used one of them already.
    This one would look so cute on a pillow.
    Great re-purposed cabinet. I like the finish you gave it.

  9. Hi Robin~

    Thanks for the freebie doodle!!

    I did the exact same thing with my kitchen cabinets. I figured if they only lasted a couple of years, I would be out only a few $$ for trim & paint. I've had them for over 10 years now & still love them.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  10. i love it! Great job! Can't wait to see the rest!!
