Monday, August 27, 2012

Ahhhh...finally some time to pop in....

Not finished at all, but just wanted to show the color I painted the walls....
I have missed you all like crazy !!!!!!! I have been only a teeny bit of a lurker, visiting some blogs here and there, but mostly staying off the computer trying to get things finished...
This move has proven to be the hardest physical task I've had to do in such a very long time, but let me say, I've lost 12lbs. just getting around and bustin a move in this new ..."new to me" home.
Why we didn't snap photos of all the before, is beyond me, because if I could show you, most would probably say, why didn't someone just burn it down ???
We saw the still has a long way to go, but with  alot of hard work, elbow grease, mostly cleaning and tossing years of hoarding junk, it is feeling like the home I imagined it could be !!
Here is a pic of my kitchen cabinets...we didn't realize we would need to be replacing the wall behind them and so many other "surprises", so we could only afford this small section for now....I have a few free standing cabinets in there for now holding food items, dishes, etc...


Here is a little of the bathroom before and after....


 I also have my craft room / studio almost finished ...This room I have no pictures of before, only videos...If I can figure out exactly how to do it, I will upload those to my blog...OH my gosh, you will not believe what you see people !!! It was horrific !! But like I was a super deal and we saw potential....God must have closed my eyes to alot of it, because now when I watch the videos and see what we've done, I can't believe we ...I....agreed to buy this home !! It was meant to be...I had been praying for such a long time and crying out to the Lord for a home that I could be at peace in and make my own...We found this place the day before my Birthday and signed the sales agreement on my Birthday, July 1st... How's that for a Birthday gift ??!!
Ok, a few pics of my craft area, and I'm back to work....

OHHHHH...forgot to tell you about the newest member of our family !!
I couldn't have a nice big doggy where we lived before, so of course, I HAD to look for one as soon as we were moved in !! We were still painting and doing repairs, lots of commotion and chaos, but I figured if I found a dog that could fall right into the not so smooth groove and be somewhat calm and obey orders etc, with all the chaos and confusion going on, it would be a perfect fit...
Well, let me tell you, I couldn't have been more blessed !!
I found my baby on Craigslist...Her foster Mom had rescued her from a home where the Dad was mean and threatened to kill her ...She took her in , but already had numerous pets and couldn't keep her....
Her name is HAYDEN...not my choice for a doggy's name, but she comes to
She is pit,boxer,lab mix....I question the pit, only because she is tall, and resembles boxer the most, but has the otter tail of a lab, the slightly visible bump on the top of her head of a lab, and the sweetest, most gentle, well behaved and submissive but fun loving and playful personality of a lab....she is an angel pooch !!We all love her and she loves us !! The kids are her best friends and she adores the youngest Grandson, Keegan , who at 15 months can be quite the pest, if you know what I mean...
When she isn't doing

In my studio right behind me and my computer...she is doing this...

her second most favorite thing to do ....
Well, it's raining and I'm enjoying that, along with some peaceful time with my four legged baby in my forever home...but lots more work to do.....
I luv you all and am just about ready to jump back into designing some new patterns and Fall goodies !!!


  1. I'm soooo happy for you!! Hoping I'll be making a similar post in the near future too! Love what you hve done, looks cozy and FULL of LOVE!! Are you still in the Wfd area?? Homes around the FLB school district are hard to find under 200G. Keep up the good work, what fun for fall decorating. Luv your new baby too!! Send ma an email if you can, if you're still in the area I'd love to meet someday! kpprimitives at roadrunner dot com. Blessings to you ~Kriss~

  2. Looks like you found the perfect forever home and 4 legged companion! Looking forward to more beautiful pictures. Just remember "Rome wasn't built in a day". Enjoy, Dawn

  3. Oh ROBIN!!!!!!! You have performed a great fast feat to get your home that orderly and refurbished in such short time. Quite the miracle worker I'd say.

    Looks like you got lucky with your new furever pup like I did. Ben wasn't my choice of names either, but like you say, the pup comes to it.

    Happy HOME!


  4. Robin,
    Wow! What a great job you've done in such a short time! All the decorating makes it look so cozy and like a forever home should look! I'd still be spinning in circles wondering where to start! LOL!!!
    I think your Hayden puppy looks so special and sounds like she knows she has found her people!
    All the best in the coming days as you settle in and boy am I looking forward to those new patterns!!!
    Big Hugs!!!!
    Cathy G

  5. Oh! I am so happy for you that you have found your forever home! And, Hayden looks to be a sweetie pie! Your studio area is looking lovely too! Now... how about some pics of the yard? lol!

  6. Your home is coming along beautifully.Hayden just adorable I always have to have a dog underfoot your work making your forever nest.~Amy

  7. Robin, glad to see you post. You have done so much in such a short time and it all looks great.
    Be looking for new designs from you soon.

  8. Everything looks great! Looks like you have got a lot accomplished! Love your new doggy!

  9. I was thinking about you and wondering how your move was going. What a difference you have made in the new house, it is now a home and I love your new baby, she is beautiful and I can see, a really sweet disposition.


  10. Your new home is looking so good!
    Hayden sure is a cutie!!!
    Hugs :)

  11. You have been so busy!! Everything looks so beautiful!! You did a wonderful job!!

  12. Oh I love it all I am so excited for you, it is so fun to make somethng your own. Please please tell me the color you painted your living room. I would love to have that in my craft room. I love your new addition to, she looks like she is very content now. God bless you and congrats....

  13. WOW WOW WOW! It looks wonderful what you have done so far!
    Love your sweet new buddie!
    Your hard work shows.

  14. I just checked my blog yesterday thinking where are ya at?..LOL..You have done wonders in such a short time..It all looks lovely and prim..I can't wait to see what you will be doing next and excited to see all of the pictures that are coming..Have a wonderful week and oh yeah..Lovin the dog and the name..

  15. AMAZING how much you all have accomplished in a brief time! Your new home looks so warm and inviting--you have to be just bursting with excitement! Love the pup too--she looks like she knows she is home and loved!!--Jan

  16. Wow Robin! Everything looks beautiful. Can't wait to see more pics of your new forever home.
    Hayden is absolutely precious! I would have had to adopt her too. She looks so comfy and content in her new forever home too.
    Good things come to those who wait and I'm so happy for you that everything is working out. You deserve it!
    Many blessings to you,

  17. Welcome to your new home. Your four legged baby is pretty. I have one mixed with pit bull lab & huskey. She is just a sweetie. My son picked her. She is my last thread to him & therefor so special. Blessings!

  18. What a wonderful result you all created. How long did it take?

    To clean up/out after horders is the worst task. Replacing sheetrock is in most cases required. Good job. And what a wonderful new addition to your family.

  19. Oh, Robin! Everything is simply beautiful! You've accomplished so much in such a short time ~ amazing!

    Your new baby is an absolute heart-breaker ~ what a gift she must be for you and you for her!



  20. God is so good! Robin, your forever home is wonderful!! Love what you are doing. And Hayden, he was a find! I am so excited for you! So glad you have been able to take time off and enjoy your process. hugs

  21. Looking good Robin! Your studio is beautiful and so happy to hear you are back to work!!! I've missed you! Love what you have done with your new home!

  22. Robin, I'm so happy you found a wonderful new home with so much potential. You are definitely the one to bring a house back to life--the colors you've chosen are so warm and inviting! Amazing how much stuff can be accumulated over the years in one house. I think many of the older generation tend to hold on to everything--I know we had a lot to dispose of when my folks passed away. Best of luck to you!

  23. I found you from Teresa's Primitive blog and hopped on over your home is just beautiful do u know of a good book I could purchase to learn to hook?? Thank u
