Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Finished rug & Thrift Store wool ...

I finished hooking this rug..I need to steam and bind it yet.
And...I finally made it to the Thrift Store today and found some wonderful %100 wool jackets..One is a really sweet soft yellow houndstooth, another is a nice soft gray, and the last one is a pale yellow...they will be perfect for experimenting with my dyeing. I bought these 2 dye books , and the one came with 3 Cushing's dyes...It says for Light Antique Dyes, and with these shades you can make 26 new shades....I can't wait !!

I am on the lookout for a wool cutter ..If anyone has one for sale, please let me know...I had a few I was holding out for, but I am getting so impatient to get my wool cut up and start a new rug, I am HORRIBLE at cutting with the rotary cutter...My worms are so uneven and and I am sooo frustrated with it ! I almost broke down and bought a new Bliss ( the cheapest I could find brand new) but I just couldn't spend that much right now....
So...any used ones out there ???, holler at me ...


  1. Hi Robyn - Your little rug turned out so great - I think you're a natural born hooker! Good deals on your thrift store wool - that's where I get 99% of my wool, so I think you're on the right track. I'm going to email you some info for tracking down a cutter and also about another good dye book.

  2. Robin, I'm not a rug hooker, but it sure looks like you are doing a good job to me!! Your loops look very neat and look like they are the same height--I don't know much about hooking, but I know that's a good thing! Can't help you on a cutter--but I HAVE seen some on Ebay. Good luck on finding one.--Jan

  3. Robin,
    Be cautious on buying a used cutter. Buy from a rug hooker directly where it's guaranteed to work properly. I had won a used Rigby on Ebay for cheap. Got it from a non-cutter. It didn't work, needed a new blade. It was too old, so the new blades didn't fit on the old machine. I learned a lesson the hard way. I then saved and got a new Rigby model H. I love it!

  4. Robin,
    What a sweet little rug! I can tell you are getting into rug hooking like a pro! Those jackets sound like nice colors! I agree with the comment about being careful buying a used cutter. You don't want to get one where the blades are abused, chipped, nicked etc. Real pain! Buy from someone who hooks or can guarantee it to be in good working order. I'll keep my eye out for you too! Something will come up!!
    Cathy G

  5. I love your rug, I'm sure your friends will help with the cutter. I always see wools in the thrift store, glad that's working out for you.

  6. HI Robyn, Will you please share your results after you dye your wool? I'm intrigued by all the colors you are able to create with so little. Nice finish on your rug, thanks for showing it off. ~Ann

  7. Robin ~ Your rug turned out great ~ LOVE IT!!!
    Have fun playing around with your new dyes and books.
    Prim Blessings

  8. Hi Robin,
    Your rug turned out wonderful! I am always going to the thrift store to find wool...my first stop is to look at the skirts...you can get larger pieces of wool and they are easier to take apart. Last time I was there I found a patchwork wool jacket in browns...score! Good luck finding a cutter.
    Enjoy your day,

  9. Hi Robin,
    Your rug turned out wonderful! I am always going to the thrift store to find wool...my first stop is to look at the skirts...you can get larger pieces of wool and they are easier to take apart. Last time I was there I found a patchwork wool jacket in browns...score! Good luck finding a cutter.
    Enjoy your day,

  10. Hi Robin,
    Your little rug is terrific! Isn't it great to score a bunch of wool at a thrift store? Good luck with your venture into dying wool.

  11. I have Karen's little dye book and use it all the time. Much of the background of my Vintage Urn rug was dyed with those colors. I especially love earthy. Karen has a blog...primitive spirits...and has a recent post about the color. Plus, using only 3 dyes and just a bit of them at that is less costly! Have fun!! Your rug looks great.

  12. a great job of hooking I use a lot of old wool from the thrift shop. It is a great way to get textures.
    a coat may be a bit hard to cut up and you have to be careful it is not to thick.
    Can't wait to see your dying.

  13. Your rug is darling... as they all have been so far! :-) I can't help you with a cutter either... but if you do find a used Rigby, I can give you a link to a good seller for replacement blades. I've purchased several from them & they are very professional & quick to ship.

    When I first started cutting, I used a rotary cutter too. Later, after I bought a cutter, I learned there is an easier way to cut your own strips... rip strips of fabric 1/2" or so wide... then use regular scissors to cut them in half. Easier than the rotary!

    Have fun with the wool dyeing!

  14. robin, i think your bunny rug is sooo cute! you are doing great! im just a beginner too and we need to enjoy as we learn and we will do great and like it! i love hunting for wool at sales and thrift stores! enjoy your day!

  15. oh i love your latest rug also! my you get alot done..... :) must be enjoying it!

  16. Hi Robin...I love your attitude and your new little rug. Where did you buy the Dusty Little Dye Book that included the 3 dyes? Thanks

  17. Love your cute little rug...wish I could hook. Let us know how your dyes work,,would love to see pics! Take care, Janice

  18. I love this, Robin!! I tried my hand at hooking and I loved it too! :> )

  19. Robin:
    Your hooking is looking great. You are a natural.
    Re: thrifting wool. I used to do it all the time. (I live in FL now - so there is very little wool to find). As soon as you bring it into the house - WASH IT! Wash it in nice warm to hot water. If there's any critters in the fabric, make sure you get 'em as soon as you bring it into your house.
    Now that you are hooking......do not ever let idle moths fly into your home!!!!!!
    With regard to a good cutter - get you a jar and start depositing all your loose change. It will add up quickly. My vote is to buy a new cutter. By cutting with a rotary or by hand, you are possibly compromising the integrity of the wool. You need nice, clean, straight strips! You need those strips to be nice and straight and strong.
    Welcome to the wonderful world of hooking.

  20. Hi Robin,

    Love your rug! WalMart has a rotary cutter that is supposed to work on all fabrics including wool. It sells for about $60. Don't know if you're interested in one like that but you can probably check it out online!

    Happy hooking! Dolly

  21. Hi Robin....love your thrist store rug..I am almost ready to post my tutorial on dying, which you will love I am sure. If you ever need wool I will be happy to trade you some wool, which I will cut with my Bliss, for one of your lovely creations...just let me know. I have some wools listed but am working on more this week. You are really getting good at hooking my dear...check out ebay for a good used cutter....got mine for around $80

    Many hugs,
