Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My newest hooking project, and some wool color help..please ??

I really want to do this project in these colors for some reason ?? They are almost neutrals except for the green and coral or burnt pinkish tone, but I have a really big problem ( well, for me it's, I don't have anything in the right hues...And...I don't have any acid dyes ...So I know that what I'm going to need to do is eiter " marry" some of my wools or "stew" them to get the right colors, or at least closer to it then what I already have...

Now, I know I hae been a pain asking question after question since I started my hooking adventures, but please, have mercy on me
I know most of you hookers out there have done these techniques, one or all, so ANY helpful advice or hints will be greatly appreciated...These wools , not all but most, have already been overdyed..does that make a difference in the process of marrying or stewing to change the tone or hue or whatever ??
Thank you in advance folks...I love you all for all of the help you've given me already..


  1. Robin, there are some great tutorials on Cathspennies blogspot. I know she has one on marrying wool and toning colors down. Hope this helps.--Jan

  2. Oh Robin, I wish I could help you, but I don't even know what your talking about. I really need to learn hookin!!! Your design is going to look wonderful ~ can't wait to see it all finished up!!!
    Good Luck ~ I hope you find your answers!
    Prim Blessings

  3. Robin ~
    You're way ahead of me and I've been hooking since 2005. Once I dyed with black walnuts and that's been it. One of these days...sigh.
    Hugs :)

  4. Robin, I've married wool and it is fun to do. What I have found however, is that you never now what you are going to come up with. There are some good books out there on it. If you like,and I can point you in the right direction. Maria

  5. I have never dulled down my colors, maybe antique them but not change the color. Do you have a thrift nearby? I would go for some textured jackets in tans, that would be a nice way to do the pitcher.


  6. Robin,
    I haven't done much dyeing (yet). I've been pondering ordering some Pro Chem Dyes to try out. If you're looking for specific colors, it's best to buy (for now). The one dyer I've purchased from is now closed. Maybe try . They have a wide selection of colors of hand dyed. For mill dyed, I've just purchased from Designs in Wool . She can even help with colors.

    Keep hooking! To practice keeping loops even, try hooking a patch for practice in rows. You've done a lot of smaller items that require more turning, so it's more difficult to learn to keep loops even. I look at my projects in the past year, and mine weren't even in the beginning (and I still have to think to keep it even). I still have a lot to learn, too!


  7. HeeHee, I was going to suggest you ask Lauren!
    Another idea: Margie of Hungry Hook Primitives would know. She dyes her wool and over dyes I think.

  8. You have some great wools! And not to get anybody riled up again you can dye with Rit or Koolaide. I have been dying for over 20 years and have had no problems as long as you use vinegar to set the dyes. To dull a color dye over it with the Compliment ie. yellow with purple, red with green, etc. Hope this helps!
