Thursday, August 27, 2020

Working on a Wool Applique Project

 Well I was going to title this “Any guesses what I’m working on ?” But I gave it away. Lol

I’m going to make a wool appliqué pillow from one of my designs in the new Colors of Fall Doodle Booklet.

Here is a pic of the painted design I did in watercolors  I don’t have a lot of wool left , I’ve sold most of it but did save some so, I changed up the colors a bit  

It’s been ages since I did hand stitching but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike. Lol Here is a pic of what I’m using for wool and a cool piece of old flour sack cloth for the background. 


  1. This is going to be amazing Robin! I am excited to see your progress as you go. But dang....I don't envy you appliquéing around all those letters LOL. ~Robin~

  2. Beautiful wool choices. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  3. Beautiful wool choices. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
