Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's a Start !!

I've missed blogging and having something to share with you all !
Days have been busy for the most part, and still have those days, when the slightest thing will make me sentimental, missing my Dad , his funny, endearing quirks , and I break down. 
I tried many times to sit and draw but nothing was there. 
I love anything that resembles the old Pennsylvania Fraktur Art. So, I decided to draw up a design and I managed to get it traced into weavers cloth, so by the Grace of God, I'll be punching this up and have a new pattern available soon. 
Hoping you are all safe, warm, and being creative ...,


  1. I am happy to see you posting again, I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I am also glad to see you creating again, it is food for our souls.


  2. So glad to see your post, I know how hard it is grieving for your beloved takes time~~ keep doing what you love as it will help in the days, weeks and months ahead during your grief.
    God Bless~

  3. So glad to have you back Robin. We've missed you.

    As time goes by it does get easier. Thank goodness we have our memories to keep us warm.

    So happy that you are designing again.......take care & God bless.


  4. sometimes it is hard to feel creative again after a major loss in our lives but once we feel those thoughts again, they continue to flow and heal us to heal......

  5. Robin, your new pattern is beautiful.

    I'm glad that you posted today. It's always nice hearing from bloggers who have taken a leave from blogging. Winter is so hard as is and with missing your dad on top of that is really hard.

    It's good that you are slowly getting back to creating.

  6. I have come to your blog many times since your dad passed away to see if there were any updates, and said a prayer for you. I have lost two sisters in the past four months so I understand the emotional roller coaster. Just remember joy comes in the morning! I love the new design!

  7. Welcome back, we've sure missed you....anxious to see your new pattern....very understandable about your emotions, my mom has been gone for over 20 years she was young when she passed away, and I have days that I just miss her dearly and my emotions take over...hang in there you have a lot of friends here that care about you truly.....

  8. Glad to see your post today! Can't wait to see your new pattern. Love your designs.

  9. Hello Robin, nice to see you again here! I missed you!
    Can't wait to see your new patterns, hugs

  10. Hello Robin, so nice to see a post from you..... Waiting to see your new pattern, Blessings Francine.

  11. I missed your posts and amazing talent. So very sorry about your dad it is hard to get back to the new normal.

  12. Hi Robin I just found your blog and read the past blogs you posted. I really feel for you as my mother passed away in 2006 or basically starved to death with Altzheimers. She was one dear lady. Now my dad is 96 pretty good health for that age but can barely walk. He never wanted anything to do with his Grandchildren after they turned 2 and started to have a mind of their own. Nothing ever suits him and I am his POA. I've always taken him to all his appointments and he has macular degeneration in both eyes. He did love to read so now he relies on the library of congress books.It is a bittersweet life when you have a good family life but have to deal with this all the time. So I hope you start to live again and find comfort in knowing you did all you could do. Phyllis

  13. So glad to see you are back and creative juices flowing again. Hope you'll hang around for a while and let us help you heal. We all need one another to lean on and offer support. I like your new design and hope you do get some punching in as it will help fuel your tank.


  14. Have missed your posts so very much. Life will return to normal in time ... right now it's like the poem "Footprints in The Sand." There is only one set of footprints... His. You can't see yours because He is holding you. The new pattern is so lovely ... like you.

  15. Mourning our loved ones is a process, I am happy to see your beautiful drawing. I hope it brings you strength and joy.

  16. I have missed hearing from you. Time will help but you never forget. It has beef 12 years and I still "talk" to my Mom daily.

  17. So nice to see an update!! Love your design!

  18. So glad to see you back again. I also love the old Pennsylvania styles. Looking forward to seeing your design finished :)

  19. Glad to have you back. I've missed you even though I don't know you. Losing a parent is hard. My thoughts have been with you.

  20. So very glad to see you back at your blog. I really love your new design and will be on the lookout for the pattern. I hope the days with happy memories soon come to outweigh the sad days - I think you may be on your way there. Wishing you the best. ...jan

  21. Glad to have you back! I have your blog saved in my toolbar so I don't forget to check for updates.
    I think I've decided what to stitch for my large 2'x4' frame. That is IF I ever get to actually stitching it. :)
    Blessings to you as you go through a time that I can't begin to imagine. My dad is 82 and I know it's coming. I dread the day.

    Privies And Prims

  22. Good to see you post Robin, miss your talented work!

  23. Be gentle with a journey. The beauty of the cyber friends is the unconditional affection & acceptance no matter what baggage you carry. Your amazing spirit is what I see & admire. Take it slowly, but let those creative whispers spur you on to rejoin life & those that have missed you.

    Hope always......Kathy

  24. Give yourself time & be kind to yourself. Your dad would want nothing more, but for your happiness & peace. In hard times like these it helps me to know that my loved ones are now angels watching over me and my family. Your pattern looks beautiful. Push to Seek joy no matter how hard it might be. You Will get to peace. ~All My Best, Kimberly

  25. Dear Robin, Your fraktur design in beautiful! I love frakturs, too! You are in my thoughts and prayers. ♥

  26. I missed this Robin!!!!!!!!!! It is beautiful!!! How is it coming along?

  27. I like it Robin! I love Fraktur. Hang in there :)

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