Saturday, January 7, 2012

Visited a lovely shop...I got wool !!!

( Quilt above sewn by Anita isn't it beautiful ?? Design by: Lisa Bongean (Primitive Gatherings) I visited a lovely shop today...Anita's Homespun Treasures ..It's located about 40 or so miles from me...The woman who owns it, Anita, shares the space with a Quilt shop on the other side... I've been at the shop before, but of course with all the beautiful quilts and other finished items hanging on the walls, and adorning little nooks and crannies, not to mention the wonderful wools and other fabrics everywhere, I just about died and gone to heaven when I walk through the door... Anita is a really nice and very talented lady...She has a few of her own beautiful designs published, and has created so many other awesome goodies with wool and other fabrics... I am just going to post the pics, but you will see a really unique loom...Anita spins, weaves, knits, crochets, sews quilts, does wool appliques projects...hmmm I know I must've missed something.... Oh, and she overdyes some of her wools and the colors are PERRRFECTION !! You will see some of the wool I purchased..hubby laughs because I asked him to keep the bag of goodies I bought in the back , but within reach for me....He said " I know why ,,so you can fondle and admire your goodies on the way home "...well....of course !!! I also had to buy a few pattern books..I wonder when I will do anything from them ????Don't we all have that problem...?? So if you are ever in the area ( Warren County Pa. ) stop in and tell Anita I sent ya .... Here is the address and phone: Anita's Homespun Treasures Intersection Rt 27 & Ross St. Pittsfield, PA Open Wed-Fri: 10-5pm & Sat 10-3pm 814-694-7134


  1. Wonderful store, always nice to find a store that specializes in wool and projects.


  2. Sounds like a great time you had, lovely things,esp. the quilt on top. Hope to see some great pieces from the wool and patterns you bought.

  3. WoW! You are so lucky to have a great quilt shop with wool so close ( even if it's a little drive)! The wool looks so yummy and to see all the things on display is so inspiring!!
    Create away!! And take lots of pics!!
    Cathy G

  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures! Love your wool purchase!

  5. I have to go and get a rag to wipe the drool off my lap top! fantastic!

  6. The store is awesome..Sounds like you had a great day..Hoping ya get to do some of the projects you have planned from your book purchases..Would love to see them finished..Have a great weekend..

  7. SOOOO glad you posted this!!! We are planning on doing the Wildwind show there this year!! I've been looking for a good wool shop! Thanks so much!!
    Jan-Life on Buttermilk Hill

  8. Thank you for sharing the pics. Wish we had a wool store in Michigan as I do so wish to start hooking and making wool mats. Take care and keep crafting! Janice

  9. Wow, everything looks wonderful....I too sometimes like to sneak a peak in the bag on the way home...hehehe.
    take care,

  10. Waaahh :( I just checked Yahoo maps & Pittsfield is 5.5 hours away. The store is awesome! I can see why you wanted to play with your purchases on the way home...I love the wool & the books. Have fun with them!
    Smiles, DianeM

  11. Omg you lucky girl !!
    Love stores like that ..drool

  12. What a beautiful fun shop...your husband did get it right didn't he?
    I'd do the same I love looking at all my fabric purchases.

  13. Fabric stores are such wonderful places. I like the pattern book
    you bought with the bunnies on
    the cover.

  14. You are so talented at designing that I am suprised you bought pattern books.. thanks so much for sharing your trip.. always inspires me to see such beautiful wool and workmanship.

  15. Fab shop. I love the wools you bought not to mention the books. Wish I could find nice wool in the UK.

  16. Fab shop. I love the wools you bought not to mention the books. Wish I could find nice wool in the UK.

  17. So glad you had a chance to go to a wool shop Robin!!! A perfect day!!!

  18. Oh I love it too!! Wish I lived in PA but for now I am enjoying your pictures! Dianntha

  19. Love the wool. Can't wait to see what you make with it. ~Roberta

  20. Such a wonderful shop!!!
    The other shop you mentioned is one I like to visit ~ Primitive Gatherings ~ her shop has wonderful fabrics and woolens.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Prim Blessings
