Friday, January 6, 2012

Hooked Heart Progress and Another Talented Lady...

I have been hesitant to start my second hooked project as I don't have a good stash of variations of colors. I'm not happy with the larger pieces of wool that I have that can be cut into strips for hooking... the colors are just not quite right. But..I went ahead and placed the backing on my hoop, drew a heart in an oval on it and just started...It really is addicting, I didn't want to put it down. Now, I seem to be having a really big problem with the strip of wool twisting as I pull it through. This tends to take up alot of time for me, but I'm still learning. The colors of red in the pic look too bright and kind of "orangey" ( is that even a word ?) This is really just a "practice" for me, learning going around the curves and corners. I still need to get the hang of uniform looking loops and I ended up in the middle of the heart, getting bunched up. I know for all of you experienced hookers, it was just a matter of " practice makes perfect "...I hope And now....another VERY talented lady on Ebay, Chris(mysticalprimitives) has punched one of my designs from my "Thyme for Valentines's " Doodle Booklet. I love Chris's work, her punched pieces are beautiful ! ~Click here to check out her auctions~


  1. I'm a new hooker as well and still trying to work all of the kinks out. I have a touch of OCD and my hooker friend is helping me realize that it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful, and a little unevenness just makes it look more prim. :-) I think your heart is looking great!

  2. Your heart is coming right along and before long you will be pulling loops without a thought! Keep practicing you are doing really great.
    Chris does beautiful work and she did a great job with your pattern.

  3. I remember those days of pulling those first few loops. I still hook a bit unevenly. It tends to even out a bit when you steam the rug. I also used wool that was kind of wonky in color in the beginning...that's where the dyeing addiction begins! I'm glad you're having fun! The heart looks great!

  4. I don't know...not being a hook expert but you heart looks awesome!!!

  5. great job Robin...ever loop you pull begs for "just one more" doesn't happy to hear your addicited now too...

  6. If your wool is twisting, make sure your left hand is always under the hoop to keep to straight. I found it difficult to wedge the hoop between me and a table so that it would be steady. I then tried a Morgan hoop stand so that I could always have 2 hands. I just upgraded to a new hooking frame, and love it. Steaming helps even out some of the unevenness. I'm still struggling with colors, too. I even was searching on dyeing last night (yep, another project!).

  7. Robin,
    Your hooking is looking wonderful! I know trying to get the loops looking more perfect is what we all strive for at first and then a few years down the road we all want it looking more prim and uneven! LOL!!

    LOVE hearts and your design punched by Chris is spectacular!

    Keep pulling those loops and enjoy every minute!
    Cathy G

  8. *****i know that these women want to encourage you, but your hooking is too tight. always remember to think, "soft and squishy!" so, at
    the beginning you should count the spaces in between loops. a number eight cut should have two spaces and a number nine cut three spaces. one of the problems is that
    using a hoop, you will spend more time balancing the thing that properly being able to execute the motion of the strip pulling through. the comment that if it is a little uneven makes it more primitive is totally incorrect. the variations should come in the textures and colors used in the piece...NOT UNEVEN HOOKING! where do people get these ridiculous thoughts? good luck...remmeber that holding the hook properly will make the action of pulling loops easier and each will be uniform in their height and placement.

  9. Robin,I think you are doing great with your hooking--I would love to learn someday but there's never enough hours.A year from now you will be amazed at your progress in hooking. Maybe you can have a booth beside me at Erie McDowell next year !!
    Jan-Life on Buttermilk Hill

  10. I think your colors are great! I can't tell from the photo if you're hooking too tight or not. I tend to do that myself and one of my teachers said I should drink wine to relax before hooking. Guess I'll stay with penny rugs. Love the finished piece by Chris! Wonderful things like that happen when two talented people collaborate. ~Roberta

  11. Robin ~
    I think you are off to a great start. It will get easier as time goes on.
    Love that p/n piece. What beautiful work!
    Hugs :)

  12. This is something I would love to learn this year. So far it looks like your doing a great job!!!
    Have fun!!!
    Prim Blessings

  13. I have wanted to learn to do this for awhile..So I wouldn't know what is right or wrong..I think your heart is looking great..Have a great weekend..

  14. It looks wonderful so far Robin....I have a hard time hooking with the hoop as I need (like) to use two hands...I'm shopping around for a lap frame and a wool cutter too. Love the Valentine piece by Chris too!

  15. I think it looks great. Even if it's too tight, I am sure people that did these back in the day didn't worry if it was even looking. I am not that anal.
    Any how, keep it up, and I love the heart!
    Have fun and enjoy the process.

  16. Goodness garcious you are being too hard on yourself my dear ! You will definately get better with time and even seasoned hookers like me sometimes hook to tightly. My first piece I literally had to get a pair of plyers to pull my last few hoops through it was packed so tightly but I LOVE that piece bacause it was such an accomplishment. Feel free to pop over to my blog and check out my rug hooking might be able to pcik up a few tricks that will make it easier and my dyeing lesson will be up soon so you can leanr what to do with those "sharp"colors". I say, hooray for you...dont let any negative posters get you down !!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thank you to everyone for such encouragement, and thank you to "newburyarts" for your complete honesty...I realized something wasn't quite right and I was struggling, so now I know and next project will just be that much easier and hopefully better...
    I'm loving this and don't plan on quitting, I plan on taking all comments and criticisms and instruction into account and just keep learning and moving forward...

