Well here is my mess in my kitchen...Finally decided to drag my sewing machine and basket of unfinished items out and get something done before I do my Cross Stitch challenge....My weirdness won't allow me to start something new, till I finish these.
I had to give my craft room up temporarily, as I await the return of my son who is in Prison...He'll be home any day now, just waiting for the word...Praying he stays strong and allows the good work that the Lord started in him to continue.....
Here is a pic of my youngest daughters "creativity"....LOL...She just had to paint all over her guitar...She is such a weeny......
But seriously...she does have a crafty personality...Here is a pic of her necklace she finished....she taught herself how to do this by printing off directions online....
Here is a pic of my Maple Tree right outside my front door.... we woke up to snow yesterday and it is Sunny and 55 degrees today...see the buds on the tree ? Spring is here no matter what falls from the sky....LOL
Now...here is Hank...he says come closer....up close and personal...got somethin to tell you....
Hanks says...Read your bible daily....
And here he is all cozy in his blanket after he rolled in mud and had to be hosed off before he came back in....what a naughty boy...he needs to read his Bible...LOL
Have a fun rest of the day !!!!