Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wow...I cant believe I finished a rug ....

Well, I totally surprised myself...I finished this small rug I started on Sunday...Yes its small , only 10 1/2" x 13", but between cutting strips from colors I reverse hooked, changed my mind and was undecided several times...I actually did it...Of course, I need to bind it now ( why does that feel like a dirty word ? )

   I was revisiting some older watercolor paintings I did and was thinking of turning some into Punch Needle Patterns......

And lastly..... Here is a watercolor I found that I did when I was first playing with watercolor...Going for a super whimsical look...I like the colors and the actual theme....It's not as "cringeworthy' as alot of my old

                                               Hope Everyone is having a great Wednesday !!



  1. Cute rug. I took out my rather large one out today, looked at and put it back. Not interested. Binding is a bad word. LOL Janice

  2. Great piece Robin, and I hate binding too, that is why it is a dirty word, lol. Your 2017 sketch is whimsical.

  3. What a sweet little mat Robin! I have two rugs to bind myself...well, 3 if I count the Beast. I generally like binding but the farthest I got was to lay the one on the table to attempt to figure where best to splice the binding strips together LOL. ~Robin~

  4. Your little mat is just perfect and you hooked that so fast!
    B.I.N.D. is a four letter word!!!

  5. Love your pretty Matt !!! Funny I don't mind binding ....LOL
