Friday, April 16, 2021

My offerings on PHM


Last night was the update on Primitive Handmades Mercantile. I was late getting my listings on ... Then early this morning I went to check them, noticed my PayPal buttons weren’t added correctly. I had to re-do them all. 

Busy hectic day yesterday and still getting all set up to start rug hooking again. 

Here is the frame and stand I got. 

Soon..... sorting through and organizing my wool today. 

Not sure why... I’m sure it will be a mess once I get going anyways. 🤪


  1. Good luck with your sales on your Mercantile site. Robin, got news for ya, no matter how many times I organize my wool room once I start color planning a rug and throughout the hooking of the piece my room is in chaos. But that memory will return to you soon as you've hooked before. Looking forward to your projects.

  2. That is exactly what I was thinking. Why bother. Oh well , it will be fun to see it that way for a few days... maybe. Then I’m sure it will look like all h%<% broke loose in there. 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Cannot wait to see what you will be hooking! Janice

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