Wednesday, March 10, 2021

***New*** Folky Flower Pots and progress on yarn hooking


I finished this little set of Folky Flower pots last night and it is added to my Etsy.

I was so tired but my computer was acting wonky, so I didn’t want to stop. Phew. She’s got a few more miles left in her I hope. Lol

And so close to the finish line on my hooked yarn mat. 

Have a great day. Going to be in the 60’s here today. Windows open already. Lol 


  1. Looks great ! Love your colors !!!

  2. You are quite the talented woman!!!! YES, the wonderful weather ~ it reached 72 degrees here today in Delaware but lower temps at the beach. Feels like a heat wave and am loving it!!!

  3. Seems like there's a "spring" trend going on in many parts of the country. Although we are no where nears 60's 0r 70's, we have been warm enough this past week for quite a bit of snow to melt. And today it rained! Not white stuff either LOL. Unusual here in March! Mind you, we go back to "seasonal" after tomorrow, but I will take what I can get. Your making great progress on your hooked piece....and the flower pots are beautiful springy! ~Robin~

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