Friday, February 27, 2015

Expanding my Artistic horizons .... Lol

Yes I added an "lol" at the end of the title sentence. I'm not getting very far , but I have the " want to"..... That counts for something doesn't it ???
I've posted about this in FaceBook and was thinking that maybe I shouldn't have ??
I've been doing my beloved primitives for at least 12 years now. I've watched tons of talented successful primitive artists , doll makers, quilters, punchers hookers,,,, suddenly stop doing primitives and go down another path to pursue another love.... Shabby chic, vintage, Victorian......modern even, in their artwork , home decor etc... And years worth of a fan base or devoted customers and followers drop like flies. 
Soooooo.... Before that happens , because I know I've been uuuuber blessed with so many friend and supportive customers and followers,,, please don't think I'm abandoning my primitive style. 
I do know , though that many if my blog friends here and followers are from many different creative genres. I like that !!
I like being we rounded. One look at my physique and you'd know that !!! ( always have to add my little morsel of self deprecation... Just in fun. 
But... In to my subject for today. 
I've always kept some kind of " art journal" or notebook with sketches, notes ideas, pattern directions and daily thoughts. I'm not consistent though. I have 6 months between some writings. 
But I always go back to it. 
Here are some of my first ones That I covered with some decoupage or fabric and trinkets. 

Then I did my last one in a wool Applique cover I had made. 

Ok. If any of my friends see what I pin on my Pinterest, they know that I've fallen in love with Art Journaling. Lol
I've been pinning everything under the sun that has anything to do with art journaling. I started years ago gluing ideas I doodled for designs , into composition notebooks .... 

Well, I fell in love with what I call REAL Art Journals about a year ago. 
I have 100's of pins on my Pinterest. I've watched videos and read tutorials on materials to use, techniques etc.  
I never pretended to have a talent for face drawing either. Not my FORTE....
But I watched s few tutorials on face drawing , not necessarily realistic faces but artsy types. 
I decided to try my hand at that and a basic art journal page. 

I had fun for sure. I like playing around with paints and colored pencils and I even used bubble wrap to do ghe little yellow circles for background. Lol
I'm going to keep learning and having fun. I like the freedom this art venue has. I get to use mixed mediums. It's just.... FUN !!
Seeing that I've actually been in a real FUNK lately.... I was hoping going in a different direction would help me out of the winter blues. It's slow but I'm at least getting some enjoyment. 😊
I've also always been drawn to German Scherenschnitte ,,, I love some of the old images I've seen. So primitive and not perfect. That's my style !!! Lol 
So here is a little something I drew up and cut out. I pasted it into a piece of scrapbook paper that I distressed and framed it with a cheapy $5 wooden frame that I used an old broken screw driver to gouge a design into the edges and I painted and distressed. 

I cut out another design I will post a pic of next time. 


  1. Do what makes you happy. Life is too short not to.

  2. It is this long , freezing cold winter that has made us all want to do something new, I think. Your doodles are great, I love your designs.....your paper cutting is really neat & your journals look great too. Just be creative & have fun !!!!

  3. The framed piece is something that could be done in wool applique.

  4. You go girl! I love your drawn face! I love your new designs...I love your old ones too. I think you have such a wonderful sense of color and a soft, warm touch.
    Happy creating,

  5. You are so talented. My sister ,passed away last year, had art journals as well as a writing journals that she also drew in. At times it was easier for her to draw a picture than write . You are blessed with so many artistic gifts thank you for sharing them with us.

  6. Creativity flourishes with fresh ideas so why not experiment!
    Id say your doing a successful job of flourishing lol
    I shall stick around : )

  7. It is good for the soul to keep moving and creating I love it.

  8. Love the basket cutting you made .... now that would make a fantastic punch needle!!! I think you're on to something Robin. :~)

  9. Robin ~ I think it's good to go outside of our realm ~ that's what keeps the creative juice flow.
    I like what you've been dabbling in!

  10. Very creative and I love them all so much xx

  11. Robin your new creations are lovely. Enjoy your new inspiration!

  12. Love the new drawings and I like to explore other avenues myself, sometimes it is fun, to just create what comes out of us, not just for patterns or sales.


  13. Robin,
    You are SO TALENTED!!! Do what makes you happy and we will follow along.
    Snowing again here in Ohio. Enough!
    Hugs :)

  14. Just now seeing your blog. So inspiring

  15. I adore and admire your work. I totally understand where you are. I too have been primarily doing primitives for 25 years with a dabble here and there into the other types of design that you mentioned.
    The one thing I learned is the pull to primitive is the strongest of all and brings the greatest pleasure to my heart. I believe that all comes through what you create.
    The paper piece is simple -'in design and beautifully finished!,
    I cannot wait to see where your muse beckons you as I watch your journey unfold!
