Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Some wool dyeing .... sorting...working on my rug....

Happy Wednesday !
 I'm busy working away on my "secret" rug ....
I did get all the wools....Teresa made a trip down to the wool shop by her , Grant Street Woolworks.
Kathy Harris (woolfind) and Rugs of Mine in Time , works there, and her and Teresa ( with me on the ) picked out the perfect wools for this project . Teresa had printed off a copy of my colored in design and went from there... They did a super job !!They even wrote down each element that each wool was being used in and stuffed in to the folded pieces of wool.  I thank them both so much for their time and effort they put into this for me !! Love you guys !!
I wanted this hooking adventure to be a little more planned and organized , and so I cut my strips and printed off what each color was for, onto card stock, punched a hole in the tag and strung a strip through it and bundled them together...what a joy it has been to just grab a worm from each bundle as I need it.
There was only one little problem....the background we chose was just a smidgen too light and blended too much with one of the elements in the rug. I only wanted to go a tiny bit darker .
I got out my dye book and swatches and decided on a color that would work perfect.
I purchased a book by Cathy Meyer of Hooked on Primitives a Rustic Pallette . It's perfect and came with the swatches...
Here's the book ;
Here is the color I chose;
And here is the end result: in here stinks... I should have gone in the other room....but it is perfect now, hooked against the lighter object in the rug.
Here is another little goody I purchased recently from Wool-N-Wares on Ebay...I thought it would good for me to help in color planning my future projects.
So it's back to work on my rug, for me... hope you are all being creative or constructive on this fine Wednesday .


  1. wow its always nice to have the colors already picked out so all you need to do is hook! love how your wool came out that you dyed! picking them out is always the worst for me... enjoy your day!

  2. I have a bunch of dying and color books and I never read them, I am bad.


  3. Hi Robin! I can't wait to see the secret rug....the rooster one is gorgeous . Theresa and Kathy were so nice to pick wools out for you...wouldn't you love to have a wool shop like that nearby?? I know I would!! ---Jan

  4. You've become the all encompassing hooker woman. Can't wait for the final unveiling when the time comes.


  5. Wonderful idea to organize your colours like that, can't wait to see your finish!

  6. Oh ..... I am in love.. ♥ your blog!!!!!!! Wonderful..
    your rugs are sooo nice!

  7. OK ROBIN!!!
    Every time I come onto your blog I see another rug either being planned, in process or completed. I am sooooooooo inspired by you and your rug hooking but I think I will pack up and move next to you!!
    I have one question for you though since you seem to be very well informed in the rug hooking department. I was going to buy a kit off ebay do you recommend any person in particular or have you had good experiences all around. I am picking everybody's brain for rug hooking lately so if you could give a little friendly advice that wold be great.
    Thank you my friend

  8. How nice to have some knowledgable ladies from Grant Street Woolworks to help you chose the colors for your rug. Those girls are great.

    It's so convenient to be able to dye some needed colors yourself. I'm looking forward to seeing your secret hooked rug.

    Have a great week.

  9. Robin, It has been fun To follow your journey with rug hooking. The confidence and skill that you've acquired in such a short period time is amazing. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see what you create, Maria
