Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to " enjoy " a long Wintery blast of cold and snow....

Here is another beautiful finish from my Fraktur angel Valentine doodle....this one was punched by Laura of Apple Berry Cottage I love her work !
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here in Nothwestern Pa., specifically my town of Erie,we have a saying " If you don't like the weather in Erie,stick around " !..It changes so much, and especially being so close to a large body of water ( Lake Erie of course ), weather fronts can have varying degrees of severity.. This week we were entertained by a huge blast of cold air from our neighbors to the north...cold air over a still not frozen lake = snow, more snow....lots more snow !! Except for the dreaded trips outside to blow the snow out of the driveway, this weekend was a hunker down, stay warm kinda weekend... I passed my time between cooking, babysitting older grandsons,more cooking , occasionally cleaning...some fruit drying and a little bit of drawing... Of course, I had to take pictures of the many dishes I put together this weekend. I had roasted a HUGE turkey breast my daughter gave me, and I didn't want it to go to waste, and if i make too much of just one thing it probably will. So here is what I did : Turkey Noodle Soup with Kluski noodles:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turkey Broccoli Stuffing Casserole
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dumplings and Turkey Gravy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` The temperatures dropped quite a bit, much colder than it has been yet this winter, and I began to notice a nasty chill in my craft room, which has no heat source of it's own, just what comes in here from the kitchen....So Hubby and I did venture out and priced heaters...I've always wanted one of these little beauty's ...Here's what I got :
It gives off just enough heat..the top and sides stay cool, as the heat comes from the bottom with a blower on it... I had some cuties ( tangerines ) getting old, so I decided to dry them and use later for a wreath or garland... Sitting in front of my new little heater did the job and they are nice and dry and didn't go brown on me :
~~~~~~~~~ As I said, I got to babysit my older 4 Grandsons... Two of the boys wanted to go help Poppa blow out the driveway...Grandpa instead handed them shovels....They had fun, though , and did a really good job...Thank you Alexzander and Justin !!!
~~~~~~~~~ And finally...I got around to sitting down with pencil and paper and drawing up a few bunnies...One is more traditional Peter Rabbit looking...the other one I tried to make look more " Folky "....still playing around....I'll get a few designs for Spring / Easter out of them yet
~~~~~~ Ok, sorry if I bored you, but this is all I got !!! What have you been doing with yourself, if you are in a deep freeze ??? Hugs, Robin


  1. Yum ~ those meals look so good!!! :) The bunny drawings are adorable and I love your new heater!

  2. Hey there Robin, we're hunkered down here too, brrrrr. Nice wintery post, everyone and everything looks great (except the snow), your new heater is a beauty. Wavin' at ya from east side of RaChaCha:)

  3. Hi Robin, so cold all your sweet little heater, looks so good and does a great job heating......wonderful meals on a cold winter day, yum yum.....Neat rabbit doodles.....Warm Blessings Francine.

  4. Unfortunately, no matter how cold, I still have to go to work :( Yet, I am thankful to have a job with benefits )
    Great pn version of your pattern.
    Hugs :)

  5. I have never heard of Kluski noodles but they look good, is it something you make or buy? I used to make homemade noodles, they do taste better in soup, but have gotten lazy.


  6. Your turkey dishes look delicious..I like both rabbits and can't wait to see what you come up with..Me..I have been staying warm and last weekend we went to my daughters and watched the football game and got to spend time with my grandson..It was bitter cold here all week so stay warm..We are..

  7. Everything looks so tasty Robin!!! What a great way to enjoy this cold weather! Love your bunny sketches too! Looking forward to those finished doodles!!!

  8. All those great comfort foods will warm you up for sure! I have one of those fireplace heaters in my basement and one in the front porch/converted room area and they certainly do what's needed and are nice to look at too! We are cold in central nj too... expecting a couple inches of snow this afternoon.... keep drawing Spring and it might get here sooner! :-)

  9. I don't know what I am more hungry for right now... turkey or hooking. Loved the post. Can't wait to see how those bunnies work up.

  10. Boring? Are you kiddin?. I loved this post! Very interesting. We have two of those stoves and I can not tell you how much my husband and I (and the cat) love them. Your choices for recipes out of the turkey breast sound so good.....MMMMM! But your bunnies are the best. You are so lucky you can just draw what pops in your hesd. All of your work is extremely beautiful!

  11. Hi Robin...I guess we're in the same boat you are in! Brrr , Brrr, and MORE Brrr!! We're just out of the snowbelt so we don't get quite as much snow as you, but enough! Love your new heater---I can just imagine toasting the tootsies on it! Ahh.. and comfort food....belly warming. I'm gonna paint one of your freebies..will send you a pic. :)---keep warm! --Jan(by the ask what I've been doing? Painting...what else!? )

  12. Isn't it fun having the grandchildren over and to have them help is wonderful...they are making memories too!
    We have not had even a smidgen of the snow you fact today it got to 47 and there is barely any snow - it looks like an April Spring day.

  13. Cold here too Robin, 5 deg this morning. Love your blog, the free design is so cute, Easter will be here before we know it. I always buy Kluski noodles too, yours look delicious.
