Sunday, December 30, 2012

On to a new season....let's try rug hooking again ...

Hey...I started another rug, it is actually a doodle from my Blessed Christmas Thyme booklet, but I changed the "Oh Holy Night " and added a date, and decided to do grass instead of snow...I've wanted to have a Church rug for myself, so this is for my home...there will be more color in it once I get to the sides and the grass...there is a pine tree on the other side of the Church also...

As you can see I have changed my background on my blog to Valentines, in preparation for a new season of crafting, designing. Christmas came and went so fast for me...I was so very busy with Family and Baking, but I really did enjoy it !
I never did get much further on the snowman rug I started. There was so much to do the last few weeks , I seriously couldn't have squeezed one more thing into the mix. I decided to take the snowman off the frame, fold it up and put him away till next Fall....Maybe then I can finish him before
We finally got some beautiful snow right before Christmas ( I had so wished we had gotten it weeks earlier )...I have a feeling it isn't going anywhere anytime too soon. It has snowed almost everyday since Christmas Day, it is snowing now, and calling for more snow for the next few days...Bring it on !!!
I snapped a quick photo looking out my old, rescued little window. My oldest , Ryan, put in for me when we moved in here..It is a little wooden 6 pane......I love it and it is on the small entry way wall .....
                 ( Notice the snowflake clings ?? I was prepared in case we didn't get snow, and I could pretend when I look at the I didn't need them.. :) 
When I began my rug, I wasn't sure about some of the wools I had for backgrounds ( those pieces not in the pic)and my golds, so I ended up pulling out my dye pot and "marrying" some of the pieces...they look much better...didn't get before pics, sorry.

I wasn't on top of things , as far as my Christmas preparation goes, and forgot to buy Christmas cards. I was only sending out a few, so I had decided to make my own, I used a cropped photo of the painting I did of my Father Christmas doodle, burned the edges, and added a printed off edge.
Inside, I added a personalized greeting in a Christmas-y font, burned the edges and glued it on.
The recipients liked them, so I was pleased.

I missed wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas, but I can offer you a blessing for the New Year ...May you all not only be blessed with God's love and grace, but be content in all of His wonderful provision !


  1. such wonderful golds. can't wait to see it finished.

  2. I like your church, you can take something and turn it into a totally new thing, I really admire your creativity. your cards are great, I enjoy seeing all those doodles!

    Have a very Happy New Year!

  3. Such a pretty rug. Love the cards too!


  4. The new rug looks wonderful, love doing churches.
    I also like how you did your cards. I was thinking of doing that with one of my designs and adding the design too, as a "Gift Card", but never got around to it, maybe next year.


  5. hi robyn. just trying to catch up on some blogs..i too feel like christmas came and went way to fast...i sure havent been reading much on the blogs. now its catch up. i love your church rug!!!! im going to get mine out too and get busy. enjoy your evening!!

  6. I really like the cards you made and your window looks great..I must tell you..I won your snowman on ice skates giveaway last year and got so many compliments on it when I put it out this year from everyone who came here visiting this year..I really do like your new background and agree that Christmas was here and gone in the blink of an eye..Have a wonderful New Year..

  7. Great start on your new rug. Wishing you a very blessed NEW Year!!!

  8. Who needs a Christmas card when we get such wonderful wishes from you for the New Year. Thank you.....and may God grant you happy dreams and much peace for 2013.

    All my best from my family and me,

  9. Love the gorgeous wools...they will make a gorgeous rug with your talented hands! Missed you at McDowell...but I know how busy you have been getting your home pulled together. Have a blessed New Year! ---Jan

  10. Robin, My Christmas came and went too fast. I got behind in a few things, like blogging, I am way behind in that. We got snow the day after and it snowing again now.
    Your new rug is going to be so neat. You are such a neat hooker! I need to try dyeing wool. I can't always find what I need sometimes. Loved your cards, of course your Santa is great.

  11. Hi Robin...what a wonderful pattern and those cards...beautiful. I did that one year but wouldn't you know it was the year I sent out lots and

  12. Love the rug and the wools are beautiful!Can't wait to see it finished.Pretty pic of the snow,I am still hoping for some.Happy New Year!Hugs,Jen

    groetjes van Marijke

  14. Love how your cards turned out Robin!!! My gosh you have been busy!!!!
