Sunday, October 28, 2012

Christmas FREEBIE Doodle and look what we got stuck doing today!!!!

Ta Da !!! My first FREEBIE doodle for
Christmas ! I have it on the sidebar with red as the border color...Just changed it , but it didn't fill in right...oh well.....
Here is the plain line drawing :
Remember as always....feel free to use for stitchery, wool applique , punch needle or rug hooking...all I ask is that you give credit to me as the designer in your descriptions....Thank you much !!
As most of you know, Hurricane Sandy is making her way up the East coast...I live in NW Pa. but we will be getting  some nasty weather related to Sandy in the next day or so...It has already been raining non stop since yesterday, even though it hasn't downpoured yet, but steady nevertheless.
Well...our backyard is graded soooo wrong !! When we moved in here first of all it was a jungle all the way around the house..A friend came in with a back hoe and pulled all the growth away from the house.The basement dried up so nice and we scrubbed it and it actually smelled good !...We had wanted to have him come back and re-grade the yard, but so many other things took precedence...
we ended up with a waterfall coming in the cellar wall in the back of the housebecause the grade in the lawn is on a downward slope right to the back of the house...part of the reason the house was so mildewy and moldy when we first started making it livable, but, we didn't get any torrential  or at least steady rains...till now !!!
Here are some pics of what we did today, as a temporary fix, and hoping to avoid bigger problems when the rains and winds get even worse tomorrow and Tuesday...
I didn't take a pic of myself...I looked like a big orange polar all dressed up warm and dry in 3 shirts, orange rain jacket, 2 pair of pants, 2 pairs of socks and hubby's yes, I actually did SHOVEL and PICK some of these little that kind of exercise in the cold weather...I don't even mind getting wet, I only hate the heat....but give me cold air, I'm out there in it !!

Here is Handsome Hubby

Look how wet and muddy back there ...

Here is right off the back sunroom much work to do in the spring...a patio, walkway ...etc etc....

PVC pipe sticking up out of the ground is where we had to dig the well cap up when we moved in to treat the well water with chlorine...and a filtration system in the basement on the well pump...

We had to divert the water from the gutter temporarily, into the ditch we dug....
Just imagine this with a falling down HUGE Greenhouse filled to the top ( about 15 ft. high) with JUNK and trash ( remember I said the folks who lived here were hoarders..)
The overgrowth was horrible, there were plants and trees and weeds and BAMBOO , growing everywhere..AND trash and junk and more trash and junk, all the way back as far as you can see here to the edge of the woods on all sides...yup, we cleaned all of it up !!! More landscaping to come in the spring of course. Oh and I got to bring my little shed from the old place here ( the place where we purchased it moved it here for us at a discount )...


                         ( this is the freebie , mirrored , traced on weaver's cloth and on the hoop )

So, that was my day, and now, it's time for hot bath, jammies and start working on my freebie doodle...I'm doing up a punch needle piece...I don't have enough ink to print it out enlarged enough to do a hooked rug..
Have a good sunday evening everyone !


  1. Thank you for the freebie and listing new free ones for christmas. I enjoy doing them for friends as gifts and it is very generous of you to share with us. I hope you fair well in the storm, it is coming on us over night and for the next few days. We are safe from rains, but the winds might do some damage.


  2. Good Luck with all the rain coming. I will add you and your home to my prayers tonight. I love the new freebie. You are so very talented. I love what you do. Thank you!Blessings from near Rochester, NY.

  3. Thank You for the freebie..I can't wait to stitch it and make a pillow for my home..We too have had steady rain here in western pa.since yesterday..The yard hopefully will hold up for you and then in the spring you can have the yard of your dreams along with your dream home..Have a wonderful evening..

  4. Robin you are a doll! what a sweet new freebie...this one is begging to be hooked...thanks a million...

    now...if you ever feel like trading some of your booklets for my wool just say the word...I'm cash poor but wool is in abundance!

  5. Thank you so much and it looks like a lot of work!!! Best wishes, Dianntha

  6. Thanks for this wonderful pattern, Robin! I hope you make it through the storm with the smallest possible damage.

  7. Miss Robin...Thanks for the pattern. Just love it!
    Hope you all do well with this storm and stay safe.

  8. Can you believe we're going to be affected by this storm? I've never seen anything like this in our corner of Pa!! Good idea to dig those trenches, hope it keeps your basement safe! Keep warm & dry ~Kriss~

  9. Morning Robin...I am praying for you out cousin lives in Lancaster and she said the same thing that it has been raining for 2 days.
    We were out there this last week - got home on Friday - so glad we didn't decide to go out there this week...yikes!
    Oh I hope and pray you don't get a gusher in the horrible. You have done lots of prep work for it so far and I hope it helps.

    Thank you for the adorable Freebie! Such a sweet lady.


  10. Thanks Robin for the wonderful freebie!!!
    Hope you dry out soon!
    Stay warm and safe.
    Prim Blessings
