Wednesday, January 11, 2012

*New* Punch Needle Pattern and New Doll , pattern almost finished...

I never would have believed anyone, if they told me last year when I first really gave it a shot at punch needle, that I would be able to start a project at 4:30 pm , that's drawing pattern on the weavers cloth, setting up my supplies then starting to punch, and be finished with it by 11:50 pm ... I think what really has helped me is getting my thyroid taken care of. When it was so bad and levels were dangerously low ( I didn't realize it) I couldn't have concentrated long enough to even think to draw up a design. I then proceeded to stay up ALL night ( I know...stupid) and finish up my doll for a new pattern. Not only that, but I hooked up a quick heart to add to it, allthough the hooking part is optional for the pattern.
I did manage a sleep for a bit, and now back up, working on the pattern finishes, and God willing, that will be finished before later tonight and then, I AM going to bed at a decent hour !!Hubby got up for work this morning and almost scolded me for not going to bed. He worries I'll get run down and then I catch any little bug that happens along. I heard him getting his belongings ready, next thing I know he is standing behind me with a prepared glass of "Emergen C"... distasteful drink...I can taste the B vitamins in it and EWWWWW.... He teased that he would plug my nose for me while I drank did stand over me till I drank gagged it all down.... Hugs to you all... Be Creative !! Colonial Punch Needle Heart Hanger
Colonial Punch Needle Heart Hanger

This is a very quick and easy punch needle design and pattern to create. Great for Valentine's Day ...
Price: US$5.00
Click for details


  1. Both the doll and the heart are adorable. I really enjoy your blog; thanks for sharing.

  2. Yay for you are great at everything that you do!! Love the folkart heart and the sweet lil' dolly! Get some rest!!

  3. I love the doll and the heart. They both compliment each other perfectly. How wonderfully prim!!!!


  4. I love the doll and the heart..You do such beautiful work..So glad I found your blog..

  5. Hi Robin,
    LOVE the doll and the punched heart is wonderful!! Isn't it amazing what we can do when we feel half-way decent? I have thyroid issues too and know how that goes when you finally have the stamina to do something!! Your work is awesome!!
    Glad hubby is taking good care of you!!
    Cathy G

  6. WOOHOO< Robin, You did an awesome job on the heart and the prim doll. You sure do GREAT, BEAUTUFUL work, but please take care of yourself and get some sleep. My husband is the same way.
    We are lucky ladies for sure to have such wonderful, and caring men.

    I LOVE, LOVE your blog. You listen to hubby and let him take care of you my friend.
    Hugs and Kisses,

  7. Good for your dear husband for making you take your tonic!! Good man! I love all of your patterns and finishes, as usual! I have thyroid issues myself...perhaps my dosage needs to be changed. I would be out of my mind, up until 1 am. LOL
    Take care of yourself...but keep making those wonderful things!!

  8. Your doll is a real cutie. The punched heart hanging is so very
    pretty and 'wooly' looking.
    I love them both.

  9. Oh Robin, that is truly beautiful!! Makes me so wish I could needle punch!

    You've got you a good man. Someone needs to take care of you since you won't, hehe just kidding!

    Take it easy and get some sleep sometime girl~

  10. I LOVE them, Robin!!!
    Yep, your thyroid can wreak havoc on you. I know when my levels are too low. It's absolutely horrible.
    Awww, your hubs is a sweetheart!! You've got yourself a keeper for sure. ♥

  11. Robin you are working so hard. What a Great hubby you have! I'm with you though, those B vitamins are nasty, but so important. I finally started taking a liquid B Complex. Better than the pill even though it's not that great. I can handle it better. So happy your thyroid is under control.
    Your creations are Sooo sweet. Great job!!

  12. Hi Robin....LOOOVE your new heart design...great job. No matter how good I feel I just can't seem to concentrate past bedtime...gotta hit that bed no matter what.

    Adorable doll....


  13. Both your projects are lovely. You truly inspire me.

  14. the things you do are very creative. I'm thankful he is taking care of you! I love the top picture!

  15. Love both your doll and both of the hearts! Not sure if I could sit and punch for that long though...but only because I have jumbledupcannotfinishaproject syndrome. LOL I start and DON'T finish. New Years Blessings, Janice
