Thursday, January 19, 2012

**BIG NEWS**.........

Yup...that's right ! I finished my rug....BUT...I learned AFTER I did the "tongues" the correct way to do the edges. I am going to put it back on the hoop and fix a few things..It is also a little wonky, mostly due to the horrible mess made by whoever did the really poopy job drawing the design on the monks cloth!!!!...Oh, wait, that's I did end up tearing out the numbers and the little box they are in and re-doing ( made some mistakes there too ), and I tore out the strip of white that outlined the bird and hooked it in a darker tan than the background...the same color I used to outline the bigger flower. So, with all the repairs made already, and the ones I still have to do, I think it is passable for an ADHD old lady who knew next to nothing when I you to ALL of the folks that were so knowledgeable and tutored me along the way, the compliments and the crititicisms are both welcome and appreciated !!! I don't know what your weather is like, but we are getting a doozy snow storm here in NW Pa. ( Erie) ...we even had THUNDER looked out a bit ago and couldn't even see the house across the street it was snowing so hard..Not ! When it's cold and stormy, what is a good way to pass the time ????Hmmmm.. I know !!! Go and sign up for a SUPER Spectacular GIVEAWAY !! And check out the new selling group I'm in..

All you need to do is sign up for the newsletter..That's it ! you will be entered to win. Drawing will be on Friday January 27th.
Official opening is tonight @ Midnight, but you can still snoop around and check out all the talented artist's pages.. Hugs, Robin


  1. Robin, You did an awesome job on your rug!
    I LOVE it.
    Way to go. I been wanting to try to do a wool rug, but I am NOT very crafting.
    I hope you do another one. Is it easy to do?? Do you think I could do one?? Hubby thinks I show try a small one!
    Good luck to me.
    Prim Blessings,

  2. WOW! Excellent job, Robin! It looks wonderful! I'm really stuck with it and your determination paid off...a great little rug.

    It's're a hooker!

  3. Hi Robin,
    Your little rug looks great!!! Congrats!! Oh you're getting snow.....wish we were!!! I live in PA too but on the other side of you! Would love to get some nice snow here. Keep on hooking!!


  4. Wonderful Job Robin!!!!
    It really turned out great!!!
    Prim Blessings

  5. Hi, Robin, I'm relatively new to your blog...your new rug is wonderful!! Wow!! You did a spectacular job. Isn't rug hooking fun and relaxing to do?? I didn't have instruction when I first started out, either. I think the most common mistake beginners make is not pulling the loops up high enough. I had trouble with that on my first rug, but it looks like you did great! I love your design, too. If you would like, check out my blog
    Hugs, Melinda
    PS; Buy a frame, if you can, it will make it so much easier. And get one of those plastic quilt rulers to cut your strips. They don't all have to be perfect, that is the charm of it!

  6. Robin ~
    Your rug looks terrific!!! You done good, girlfriend.
    Hugs :)

  7. Robin, it looks fantastic!! You picked a hard pattern to start with! lol I need to get the edges finished a couple little rugs I did of your patterns and send you a picture. Anyway, just wanted to pat you on the back. Well done!

  8. I love that little rug! Wish I knew how to make one!

  9. Congratulations on finishing your rug. I'm working on my second one. The first was from a kit.

  10. Robin, I really like how your rug turned out - you did a great job! The great thing about rug hooking (as you found out) is that it is very easy to tear out and do over - it's very forgiving. It has taken me many years to become addicted to it - the first project I did I hated the result. I've kept at it and now LOVE to rug hook. Thanks for sharing! ~Ann

  11. Robin the rug is wonderful! Amazing it's your first one! Do you think you will do more?
    I live outside of Pittsburgh-it has stopped snowing but we got at least 2 inches in just a couple hours-it was really coming down, it looks beautiful out.

  12. Robin - your rug looks awesome! Really good!

  13. Its beautiful! I think you made a good choice changing the outline. I haven't gotten that far, but you might be able to straighten it out when steaming.

  14. You did a beautiful job on your rug, isn't it wonderful to finish a first one, something you will always treasure.


  15. I just signed up on the site you had posted for email updates..I won your giveaway before Christmas so I am going to opt out of this one only because I just recently won..But the next one I am in..Have a great rest of the week..We too are getting hit with a lot of snow here in Western Pa..I love the wool rug you made..Great job for never doing one before..

  16. OM Gosh! I am in love with your rug!! Such talent and an excellent job indeed. You should be proud and feel a real sense of accomplishment! LOVE IT!


    P.S. I am also in LOVE with your wonderful new doll and her heart.

  17. Robin the rug looks great. You have such a great eye for color. Feels good to have finished too I bet. I grew up in Meadville and went to college in Erie at Gannon. Still have family in Erie. I remember those snow storms well. We're getting some snow now in sw Pa but nothing like you guys.
    Keep warm

  18. I love it Robin!!! You did a great job! Snow and "hooking" really do go together!

  19. Great job, it looks fabulous to me!

  20. Hi Robin,Your new rug looks awesome, you did such a great job. I keep saying I am going to try my hand at hooking, but still have not tooken the plung...But now seeing how yours turned out, makes me want to try my hand at it even more. Thank you for sharing and for the inspiration! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs Mary

  21. Your rug is quite lovely and you should be proud. I like the outline better. So see, now you're a seasoned hooker and ready to go for another, right?


  22. It's amazing how beautiful your rug came out. I think you were too critical on yourself. I also want to tell you that I like your new blog header very much.
    I signed up for the Mercantile newsletter yesterday and it's a great looking site. Lots of talent there.

  23. Oh Robin, I love it. Great design and great colors. Looks terrific!

  24. Your rug looks great....I'm sure you learned a lot and each rug gets easier and easier. Keep it up!!!
    Sure wish we would get some snow :)

  25. I love your little rug and I like the direction of the tongues too. It gives it character:)

  26. Love how your rug turned out, Robin! I always wanted to try this, but I'm afraid I won't have the patience for it, Lol! I see these rugs all over Blogland and they are Beautiful.

  27. Hi Robin ,I am so glad to see that you finished the rug!I love it,just wish my first one had turned out so well.Way to go my friend!Hugs,Jen
