Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time For a .........Christmas Give Away !!!! is finally that time !! No...those aren't the items for the giveaway, it's just an old pic of Christmas stuff, but it had a clock in the pic...get's Time for a giveaway ? have had so many other things going, and put this on the back burner...But I wanted , I MUST do this to show my appreciation for all of you...I know this is a "virtual" world...But you, are all very real people, and some of the sweetest, kindest, most faithful gals ( and guys ?) I know ....
I've been through some really dark spots this year, and when I prayed for healing and light it came, God is good !! And.......I found a soothing balm in the kindness and encouragement from all of you ...Please know, that in my heart of hearts, I love you all....( sorry for the mushiness
Now, on to the LOOT !!
Here are the rules, and what you need to do.
!.---------I will be giving away 3 items...All you need to do is put a comment under this post and must choose which item you would like if you were to win !!!
2.---------If you do not have a blogger account, or google account, please make sure you leave an email , so that if your name is chosen, I can get ahold of you via Email, and get your address, etc.
3.------------ If you cannot leave a comment, you may Email me through blogger, give me your name and email that is best to get ahold of you with.
4.-----Giveaway will end Friday December 9th and the 3 winners will be chosen that morning !!!!!
Item number 1# ... My pattern prototype "Primitive Skating Snowman " * This the finished doll*

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item number #2 is my pattern prototype "Old Father Christmas Doll" * this is the finished doll*

And last but not least...for all of you Cat Lovers ....# 3 Ornies ..."Kitties In Stockings"

I wish you all could win, but alas, I don't have enough goodies to give away...But I may be having FUN GAME for a Christmas Yard Sale...I am thinning my herd of be on the watch out for that ...
Hugs to you all !!!


  1. Oh wow! I've never been the first to leave a comment. I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope your holidays are joyful. Please enter my name for the little ornaments. Thanks.

  2. Please enter my name for the Santa Doll. I just love him. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

  3. I really like all the things you are giving away, but like the snowman the best of all. Thank you for sharing and hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  4. Christmas greetings-please put my name down for any of the prizes. They all look great!

  5. OMG!Awesome giveaway, everything is beautiful.. but I prefer the snowman or if you can put my name in the santa too.

  6. Robin ~
    What a generous give-away. I'd love a chance to win Santa.
    Pug hugs :)

  7. Robin - It's so hard to choose, I think it will have to be the kittens in stockings for me. Thanks for hosting! ~Ann

  8. This is a wonderful giveaway! Ihave been a follower for ages and love your doodles! Please enter me for the Olde Thyme Santa pattern - seems I can't have enough of them around!
    Glad you got through the year and knew God's blessings too!
    Merry Christmas!
    Christine '

  9. Happy Holidays, what wonderful giveaway goodies. I love all of them but since snowmen are my favorite I have to say the skating snowman for sure. I am a follower and will post on my sidebar.
    Country at heart

  10. Oh, an early Christmas gift would be wonderful! Please enter me for your adorable primitive skating snowman. Merry Christmas:)

  11. Omg - put my name in please. And after careful consideration I think I choose Old Time Santa.

    Here is hoping 2012 is a kinder year for you.

    Happy Holidays

  12. what a darling giveaway Robin! it's been a dark year for me too and I'm glad we're both ending the year on a much brighter note~~~as if there was any doubt...I'd love to win those kitty ornies~ hugs

  13. Oh My Gosh!!! It is awfully hard to choose just one when all of your works of art are so wonderful!!! I guess, since I am a snowman collector I would have to go with him in all his cuteness!! Love his sweet face. Thanks for such a generous giveaway and I'm so glad that you are doing better. Here's to a wonderfu, blessed holiday season for you and your family.

    holiday hugs!

  14. Hello Robin, Wonderful Giveaway

    Please throw my name in I would love the Father Christmas Santa, but any of the three would tickle me.

    Yes GOD is Good, we too have had some really dark times this year, with Family members and health and I praise him for all of the healing

    Know that you are loved to and I wish you a Merry Christmas

  15. Hi Robin!
    I know it's been awhile since I stopped to comment, but I do read all your posts and love seeing the doodles and such you create.
    Please add me to the entries. It's hard to choose from these wonderful creations, but I'd love to give that "Old Father Chrismas" doll a home.
    Happy Holidays!

  16. I love the little Christmas kitty ornaments; please sign me up for those. Thank you for being so generous!

  17. Oh goodness! I love your giveaway items! Please include me in the drawing! It is so hard to pick which one I would want...because I adore them all...but I guess I will pick the Santa.
    Thanks so much for your generosity and Merry Christmas!

  18. Oh my Oh my! This is a hard choice... and even though I am the Kitty Queen... I have to choose the snowman! He is just the most adorable! I NEED him! Please sign me up!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  19. What fun, please, please, please enter my name for the Santa...both my mom and I collect them and it would be a perfect addition to either of ours collection.


  20. Oh Robin, they're all wonderful, but the Cat Lover ornaments are my favorite. Bless you for sharing. The winners will be thrilled!

  21. Oh Robin they're all wonderful. My favorite is the Cat Lover ornies. Thanks for sharing--the winners will be thrilled. God Bless!

  22. They're all just fabulous, please enter me in too. I love them all, you have so much creativity, but the snowman would be the one I'd choose.

  23. All are wonderful but I love the father christmas.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  24. You are so kind! The old time Santa is my choice, but of course i love them all!! thank you for sharing your talents and gifts with all of us!
    God Bless you every day!

  25. How sweet of you to offer such a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me. If I were the lucky winner I would choose the kind Old Father Christmas doll. He is so special.

  26. Please enter me in your cute giveaway, I am a new follower.


  27. Hi Robin, Happy December! God is awesome! I hope 2012 is a much better year for you.

    I have enjoyed following your blog this year and I love your doodles. I am trying harder not to be such a lurker on everyone's blogs.

    Thank you for the very generous giveaway, I adore your skating snowman! He's wonderful. And so are your other creations! ♥

    Christmas blessings from Jessica

  28. What a wonderful giveaway! Please sign me up for the Father Christmas, I just love him! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!


  29. I'd like to win Santa. Thanks for the generous giveaway. May your Christmas be full of blessings.

  30. You are so generous with your doodles and now a wonderful giveaway! WOW! I love them all but I have to say the kitties are my favorites. We are going to try to decorate this year but with a hundred pound puppy and two kittens I don't know how long everything will be able to stay out. I might just have to enjoy Christmas decorations through other people's blogs!

  31. All your items are wonderful! This is such a terrific giveaway. It's hard to choose just one, but my pick would be the Snowman, I love him!Thanks for sharing all your creative talents. I really enjoy reading your blog.
    Have a great day!
    Olde Crow Mercantile

  32. I would love to win the Old Father Christmas doll! He is beautiful! Thanks! ♥♥♥

  33. Hi Robin~

    What fabulous goodies you're giving away. I would love to be included. Thanks for the chance.

    Enjoy your day~Becky

  34. What a sweetie you are Robin!!! The items you have for a giveaway are fantastic! Really hard to choose but I would love to won the Santa.....I am just trying to find some time to order and make him so would be fabulus! I love that you are feeling better, you creations are always great! Hugs, Christine

  35. Such a wonderful and generous give away. Please sign me up! Sure hope your holdiays are filled with blessings!

  36. Well, I like all of them, you make it tough, lol;
    If I have to pick, I would say the old time santa. Even though I love kitties, I just love that piece.


  37. What a great give away. I would love to be entered in the Santa give away.

  38. Oh my gosh Robin!!!! I would love the Santa or the Snowman!!! Please enter me in your awesome giveaway!!!

  39. My favourite is the Santa Doll.
    I'd love the chance to win him.
    I'm a new follower.

    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  40. Hi Robin; Thanks for offering this giveaway. It would be an absolute honor to win any of your creations but if I have to choose only one it would be the Santa. He really has a sweet face and I love his bell buttons. Sorry to hear you've had some rough times this year. Hope everything is going better. ~Roberta

  41. Wow, tough choice, but I would love to win the Santa

  42. From one Robin to another - HELLO! I think you must be the Robin that I see in the comments on many of the other wonderfully prim blogs I follow. I tracked you down and now I'm here - stalking...ummmm...I mean following you. ;o) I LOVE your designs!! Before I started punching and hooking myself, I was an Ebay junkie - and often the patterns I fell in love with were yours....So glad to have found the genius behind it all. And, what timing - I see you're having a giveaway. I'm not certain if it's open to new followers, but if it is, I would love to be entered. Very difficult choice of prizes - all are precious - but I'm a wee bit partial to Santa dolls and so would opt for him. Thank you so kindly - looking forward to getting to know you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  43. Hi!

    I've visited to your blog many times and just love it! What a wonderful giveaway. If I were to win I would love the Santa pattern. He is so cute and I collect Santas. May you have a blessed Christmas!

  44. I love them all but if i had to pick one it would be the primitive skating smowman..Thank you for the awesome choices..

  45. I love all your designs...especially your santas since I'm a santa collector. I'd love to win Father Christmas....thanks for the great giveaway.

  46. I am a follower, and will post to my sidebar. Please enter me to win Old Father Christmas. Thank you :)

  47. You are so generous!! What wonderful giveaway gifts. I would choose that very regal Father Christmas...I love how he's holding that dear tree! Have a wonderful and joyful Christmas. Thanks!

  48. Oh Robin, isn't God good? It's so nice to reach out to others for prayer. He does hear and does answer!
    What a sweet giveaway you have going here. Love them all, but my Favorite is Old Father Christmas. Would love to be entered. Good luck to everyone!

  49. How very generous of you to do!
    I like all of your creations, I guess I would choose the snowman though. I hope that you are enjoying the start of the season!
    It feels like winter here now, we got a bit of snow, so it's nice and cool now!

  50. Hi, Robin. I love your patterns, they are so doggone cute!! I would like to be included in your giveaway and if I win I will choose the Santa.
    Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
    Warm Holiday Wishes To Everyone!

  51. What a wonderful giveaway, I love everything I am having trouble deciding between the snowman or santa, I guess I will pick the santa, but wouldn't be one bit disappointed to receive the snowman or ornies. Please enter me in your giveaway. and thanks for having such a great giveaway! Hugs, Lecia

  52. Hi Robin, How very generous of you to offer such a fun giveaway! Oh my gosh, it is so hard to to try and pick just one as all three are wonderful. If I was forced to choose I would have to go with those darling Kitty stockings...They would look so cute hanging from my fireplace...Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Hugs Mary

  53. My goodness, what a wonderful Giveaway.
    I am a follower. Love your work!
    Everything is so Beautiful, it's hard to choose....but I would have to choose the snowman! I Just Love them! I will post on my sidebar!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  54. I love those kitties!!! I have three new kitties that have joined our family this year and this would be such a nice way to commenmorate their first Christmas with us with those sweet ornies!!!

  55. Robin-
    Please enter my name for the Skating Snowman (he's darling!), altho I love all 3 of your give-away items. Thank you.
    Merry Christmas!

  56. My inner cat would love to win the Kitties in Stockings ornies. I really like your style. Keep creating!

  57. Robin, would love to win your Santa doll. He is so prim. Please put my name in the drawing for him. Have a blessed weekend

  58. Hi there, having a hard time deciding which one too pick.But you can add my name for the kitty stockings. They are so cute.Even if I am not chosen I am happy to have had the chance to keep up with your Blog.Have Blessed Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.
    Thank you, Anna

  59. I'm a new follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway for the Santa. Love your work!!!

  60. boy I betcha can't guess which one I want to win...give you a hint..its not the first 2...yep I want those kittehs.;) love the other 2 though don't get me wrong..but you know I am a cat mama.;)

  61. Father Christmas is so cozy!!! thank you for the primitive giveaway!!

  62. Love all the items. Please list me as wanting the santa. Thanks! Have a great Christmas.

  63. I had heard so many wonderful things about your blog and I am sitting here doing nothing but blog surfing today because I have a horrid chest cold and look what I found! I am finally a follower and please enter me in your giveaway, I have the perfect spot for Santa in my home. Kendra

  64. HI Robin - I would love to win the Santa doll - he is just wonderful.
    Christmas Blessings

  65. What great giveaway items! I would love to win #1 the snowman.


  66. Robin, I am so glad you were able to find the peace that God promises! He is ever faithful and prayers never go unanswered! I know this is about your giveway and I want to be a part of that, too! I love the snowman doll.......he would feel right at home at my house! I also am a big fan of your stitchery patterns - I have worked your freebies!
    Thanks so much

  67. I absolutely love the kitties in stocking. Our new kitten Gracie has been a kitty in a tree. Thanks for the give away.

  68. I am a new follower....please enter me in your giveaway, they are all amazing!!

  69. I love 'em all, Robin but the Santa speaks to me! I think he'll be soooo happy living at my house.

    Awesome giveaway and thanks for the opportunity to win.

  70. All 3 are wonderful and prim!! I'd love to enter to win the Father Christmas. Thank you for the chance.
    Merry Christmas!!

  71. Hi Robin- I just love your hand mades and ideas. You are one talented lady. Soooo glad you are doing better and just in time for the holidays. I love snowmen so that would be my choice. thank you, Nodie

  72. Goodness Lady, just look at all these are one popular blogger! And for a good reason too. You are a wonderful generous lady and I know of only one other that is so generous in blogland.
    I would love to have my name entered.

  73. I would love a chance to win your santa!



  74. I just happend to stumble on your site and oh my goodness your patterns are wonderful. I..however..dont sew, lol. I've been thinking about learning..and oh are these tempting! I would loove to be entered in your giveaway. I'm going to have to chose the Santa...but even the kitties are adorable..and I'm not even a cat lover!!! Katie

  75. Thank you for the chance in the drawing. I would be honor to win any of them as they are all so adorable and hard to choose just one. I think the kitty ornaments or meowing my name. Thanks

