Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Coming Soon...Fall Thyme Doodle Booklet !

Hey...guess what ? I was so encouraged by the wonderful responses to my ponderings about continuing to draw up my own designs, that I decided YES ! I will continue, because this is who I am ! I love creating and if even 1 or 2 people enjoy my designs, then I will keep at it ! So, after being up almost all last night, I decided to draw and color and I have the cover finished and I'm almost done with a new Fall Thyme Doodle Booklet....Now to get some sleep.......lol


  1. I cannot wait. This looks so fun and such beautiful colors. Please keep up your art. We will always have those who steal from us, but as long as you date yours you can always prove yours was first! I ADORE your work and I wish I lived near you to learn from you. I have drawn a lot of stitchery patterns and nobody seems interested but I still draw because i need to get it out of my head!!! Love to you! Kelli

  2. And those of us that love your work are grateful you decided to forge ahead! I didn't leave a comment on your other post of ponderings because everyone had already said what I was feeling.

  3. Ditto that last comment and I LOVE your colors Robin! Your designs are just wonderful! YaY!! Now get some sleep!

  4. Yaaaayyyyyy!!! Looking forward to your new booklet!!

  5. Looking forward to the booklet! You do such cute, fun to work designs.

  6. I think this is so great! I love the colors. Keep up the good work!!!

  7. You are so gifted. I'm glad you're forging ahead with a new design book! It looks beautiful!

  8. *****please look into having your designs under copyright protection. someone left a comment on the last post about hooked rugs and their copyright abilities. the information left was incorrect...an
    antique rug CANNOT be "recopyrighted" just because someone has decided to draw it up to his/her specific dimensions. this is where serious misunderstandings and lots of problems occur when misinformation is spread around the internet. there are two designers who "claim"
    a copyright but do not have the legal right to make this claim. please check the laws and apply them appropriately...thankyou.

  9. So happy you let others know how you were feeling so we could tell you how much we enjoy your work. Happy to hear you designed a booklet! Your designs are great, keep at it and don't give up.. Great things will happen :)

  10. Your work is amazing. Glad to hear you will continue on.

  11. Congratulations, that's so awesome Robin! I don't feel comfortable working with details, but I really adore your patterns!
