Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Such a good friend and AWSOME Gift !!!

Well, most of you know that my bestest buddy in the world,Robby lives half a world away from me. But it's funny that the miles that separate us in the physical, mean nothing in the realm of the emotional, spiritual and relationship level. We are truly "kindred spirits" and I couldn't ask for a more perfect friend, for lack of a better word. We tease about being twins, and though it takes only nano-seconds to see that physically we are far from looking alike, we really are so much alike in so many other areas...Alas, we are separated by the "big pond", but are as close as any two friends can be. She spoiled me with a Christmas gift that just arrived today. Oh Robby sent it out early enough, but with the Holidays and the USPS being what it is, it came just a few days late for Christmas, but will stay out with the decorations till at least the Monday after New Year's Day. It is a super duper prim pattern by Pineberry Lane Primitives called Santa & Elmer. Isn't he and his little reindeer just the most wonderful prim goodness ??
Thank you Robby ! I love him to bits ! Oh, and the milky bars and lights also...You are too good to me !!


  1. aaawwww I love you!!!!!! Ditto girlfriend!!!!! xxxRobby

  2. Beautiful gift. Enjoy it and Happy New Year!

  3. What a great gift that means a lot. When you describe yours and Robby's friendship it reminds me of mine and Holli's from Where the Rooster Crows. I met her almost 15 years ago and we were/are like long lost sisters. I always say my parents gave me two brothers but God blessed me with the best sister ever!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Robby did a great job! What a wonderful gift and it's so great that you found a friend so much like yourself, even though she's so far away...thanks to modern technology, huh?

    Have a Happy New Year!


  5. I too have one of Robbys dolls and she does fabulous work..and she is a great gal too isn't she.:)

  6. What beautiful gifts you have. A good friend and one that can make handmade gifts. That is "awesome".

  7. What a special gift! He is wonderful! Love your valentine pillows in your header too!
    Happy New Year!

  8. I love your Valentine stitcheries and had to order them right away--thank you! And I love your Santa too--I also stitched him up this year. I agree--he's so very cool.
