Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blessed Sunday and some other folks finishes ...

Happy Sunday !! Hope it is a blessed day for you all !! I'm busy with moving rooms around and other not so fun stuff !!!...LOL... just wanted to show off my buddies work !
Leslie from "My Country Home" did up a few of my Spring stitchery doodles...She is so fast and does such a good job! You go you little daynamo !!!...LOL


  1. Robin,
    I think stitching is like an addiction for me. I can't wait to start and then I can't wait to work on each part, use different colors of threads and see how things turn out and then I just can't wait to finish and get it framed! LOL I'm in a rush it seems but I enjoy every second of it :)

    I forgot to tell you earlier that I also traced the pieces onto freezer paper to make the saltbox & crow penny rug from the pattern that you sent me in the fall last night :) I don't know when I'll get to ironing it on the felt and cutting that or even working on it but I thought if I at least started it...

    Have a great day! Enjoy the sun!


  2. I am so happy to have found you... I just LOVE Buford, I might have to add him to my collection, once in awhile, I love the ease of just making someone else's pattern. You know!!! Well, I would love to add your link to my blog, if you don't mind... Hugs and nice to meet ya! Mo
