Bird In The Hand Primitives

Primitive Folk Art Designs and Finished Items
By: Robin Leuschen

" Who you are is God's gift to you........ What you do, is your gift to God !"

Friday, May 7, 2021

Slow Progress

Well, I’ve finally begun my re- entry into the world of rug hooking. I almost burned up in the “ atmosphere” before I even touched down. 

I get too worked up worrying about all the I shoulds and I needs. Lol

This is the design I’m doing and hoping to get it finished and putting it out as a pattern  

I also having troubles commenting on others blogs, and the comments on my own blog  I do most from my phone and I get error messages  …..

So , please forgive me if I don’t comment back to you  and I will try to get it sorted out  …

Here is a little stitching I did from my Folky Flower Pots Doodle Booklet  , I’m thinking of some decorative stitches as a border  … it was fine on hand dyed muslin  I don’t recommend it as it’s quite tough getting even a brand new sharp needle through the fabric. I have some hand dyed Osnaburg and I know that would have been a better choice  .

Have a lovely day everyone  😊