Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Super cute finish....rug progress...and OUCH...need some help...

Happy New Year folks......
First off...look at that really cute finish , created by Roberta of Cottonwood Lane . What a sweet wool appliqued pillow, using the freebie design from the December PHM Newsletter.... Love it Roberta....
Made some progress on my Church rug....it has a little more color in it now...I'm liking it, but you know how we all are....not real sure about some of the colors and how they look in relation to each other...the greens didn't marry well...I need classes in color planning, and more experience in actual overdyeing to get better shades of the same colors that work better together.... It's coming along though, and I must say, I am really enjoying hooking...It's been so fun ! I forgot how satisfying it is, to pull the wool through the linen and see a rug start to take shape....
Here is my progress :

And lastly...I need your help...Who makes those cool covers for the edges of the hooking frame ???
My arm is getting so scratched up...it really burns when I do dishes and the soapy water runs down my arm...owwwy ...lol
So if you make and sell them, or you know a good source to acquire one, I would appreciate someone pointing me in the  right direction ...Thanks a bunch !!
Here is a pic of my scratched up chubby arm:

Have good rest of your New Year's Day...


  1. I've been using a smaller gripper frame for punch needle and my arm was getting scratched up, too. I ended up using a couple ice skate covers, along with a few thick strips of muslin layers. Would stretchy headbands do the trick?

  2. Hi Robyn,
    I had the same problem! I took a piece of felted army blanket, cut a square to fit my frame, then cut the center out. Works perfect-no more bloody arms!! ;)
    Good luck!!
    Happy Hooking!!

  3. I had the same problem, since I use a cheaper frame. I just use a hand towel and lay it under my forearm.

  4. Robyn,
    Nice finish on your cute design! Love it!
    I love your church rug too! The greens look fine to me!
    I cut off the tops of old socks from the heel up and sew them together to make a sleeve or sock if you will for my arm. The thicker knit socks or fleece type work really well. That way I don't have something laying over my rug. I move my rugs around and lift them off the frame a lot while hooking so those covers for frames get in my way. Just me I guess! Don't let that soreness get any worse on your arm as you could develop an allergy to the wool! Yikes.... someone told me that once and scared the heebie jeebies out of me!!
    I never hook now without protecting the arm that lays on the rug while hooking!!
    Keep us posted on what you find that works as I know it may help other hookers looking for relief!
    Cathy G

  5. Great progress on your rug. I use socks to prevent the gripper rash. Just cut out the toes and make me a little thumb hole....works great and no more rash!

  6. A friend of mine just uses wool scraps to cover the teeth...but the sock idea sounds great to me! Love how your rug is coming along!!

  7. Robin your work is simply wonderful.
    I love the Snowman!!! And the church rug - going to be awesome. I'm thinking that most of us who do any kind of crafting work are sometimes not satisfied totally at times with a project...we see it differently than you - IT'S BEAUTIFUL.
    Oh my...I have so many bandages on my right baby finger and wrists from those pokies...lol
    Looks like there are lots of ideas thrown your way!

  8. Ouch, hope you find something that helps! Your rug is really coming along, looks great!

  9. ouch! I forget who makes those... but, i use a hand towel or wash cloth. just lay it over the edge i'm working on. or, some folks cut the foot off of an old sock and pull over their arm. Your rug is progressing nicely!

  10. I like your rug and I like the greens.
    I use those stretchy, ace bandage strips on my gripper frames. They stay in place real well. I guess you could wrap your arm with one, too.
    Happy New Year...

  11. I bought some beautiful rug frame covers from a lady named Fran who sold them on eBay. She even custom made me one to fit my large octagonal frame. I don't use them as I should because I have a tendency to move my rug around when I hook but when I am not working on a rug or using one of my stands, I keep the covers on them. They have an area which can cover the opening.
    I like the idea of making sock covers for my arms. I might do that in the summer when I am not wearing long sleeves.
    Love how your rug is coming along. And thanks for all the freebie doodles.

  12. Your rug looks great and you are getting to be such a great hooker, lol. As far as your arms being scratched up...I cut the arms off a felted sweater to make cuffs that cover just my lower arms and that really helps (except in the summer and then its too hot).


  13. Aw, Robyn, thanks so much for the kind words! Your designs are always so fun and joyful. I used to try to rug hook and think I used a hand towel to cover the frame. I probably didn't do it enough to cause much injury to myself, though. I loved attending rug hooking sessions at Anita White's house, though. Anita teaches at workshops across the country and probably sells or knows who sells these kinds of covers. anitahooksrugs@yahoo.com ~Roberta
