Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Punching, a pup and peanut butter .....

I've been working here and there , punching up my reindeer Freebie Doodle. I also decided to save time and a little bit of weaver's cloth, and I traced a design from my " Blessed Christmas Thyme " Doodle Booklet from last year ( available on my sidebar) ----->
I am always amazed at how different the backside looks from the actually looks much nicer until you start to get some background filled in....

As usual, I have my fur baby buddy either on her chair behind me, or right down by my feet...gosh I just love this pooch soooo much !!!

I made something on a whim today, and I think it turned out so well, I may enter the actual recipe ( my own concoction ) in some recipe contests online...Hey you never know...And...there are plenty out there and prizes of cash or goodies to be won !!!
I call these sweet treats ..." Salty Sweet White Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bakes"
I may need to shorten the name, but I just want so bad to make sure all of the goodness in them is right in the name !!!... :)

Hope everyone gets lots of cute Trick or Treaters tonight...I love seeing all the different costumes...
I will have to post pics of my Grandkids dressed up....


  1. Loving seeing your new pieces done up. Your cookies look delicious.


  2. love all your patterns and free doodles too! thank you! enjoy your day and send some cookies to blog land!!

  3. Buddy is so cute. You're so nice to share your doodles with us. You are so talented. I bet your yummy recipe is very gooooood!

  4. I love that Buddy! Thank you for the freebie, Robin, it's fabulous, and so is your beautiful home!


  5. Your doggie has the sweetest face, I just want to hug her! Love your patterns and am working on your latest freebie, the reindeer. You are such a generous person, thank you.
