Friday, October 26, 2012

New Punch Needle in the mail and busy hands....

I have finally finished the pattern for this punch needle ...It has only taken me since
If you are interested in buying the pattern just go to PatternMart Here ...or if you would like to purchase the finished item, it is up for sale on Primitive Handmades Mercantile Here ....
I received the most awesome gift in the mail the other day !! After posting the picture of the box with sections that I found in the basement here and cleaned up and painted, I got a lovely email from a sweet lady named Myra...She said she had been following my blog forever...Well, she had moved into a new home , and she had never put out her tin cookie cutters and cut out for dispaly, and said she had no need for them...she asked if I would like them, to fill up my box...Well yessssss Maam , I certainly would !!!
she sent them out lickety split, and when I opened the box, I was so thrilled with all the tin goodness !!!

                                                         Thank you so much Myra....!!!
Well, I've been keeping myself busy here and there...Remember the Black Walnuts ?? I made 2 huge bottle of walnut ink from the first batch and used the nuts for some Banana Bread..
Hubby boss gave him MORE... I sat and cracked open nuts for 4 hours last night and this is all I got:
Black walnuts are really hard to get into...The Shells are amazingly strong !! and, the way the meat grows inside is not exactly like regular english Walnuts... There are alot more little spaces and it is really difficult to get the actual nut out without breaking it in small pieces..
they taste a little different than english walnuts, but are so yummy and super dee duperty good for you !!!
My goal is to get enough nuts to use in my Christmas baking, so that I pnly need to buy half the amount of english walnuts than usual...things are tight, prices are outrageous and I bake a TON of cookies that call for nuts ...I have a large family and they DEMAND MOM to bake the usual cookies every year...they usually help out with the supplies too, though...but, nevertheless, I have a goal to reach !
                             Here is the tool of torture I use to extract the little rascals..Oh, and I now know why some places charge $13.99 lb. for shelled Black Walnuts !!!

Hugs and have fun, creative, productive weekend !!


  1. I can break them in half, but can Never get the rest out. Love the taste though. Your projects are terrific, I really like the white pumpkin header!

  2. The nuts sound like a lot of work but so worth it in the end and what a thoughtful gift you received..It looks lovely the way you have it displayed..Have a wonderful weekend..

  3. Wonderful piece and I love your gifts, those are really nice pieces for your collection.


  4. Your story about the black walnuts gives the saying, "hard nut to crack" new meaning. Forgive me for being a bit introspective here (it's that kind of night), but I don't want to be like that, to be a very difficult person.

    Your new tin pieces are amazing. What a special gift!!

  5. wonderful Myrna for sending along those cookie em...

    ha ha...I don't even like to crack pistashios when I have to get the nut cracker out...

  6. Great new design! When you're eating those yummy cookies you'll know all that time was well spent. Save some for me :) Can't wait to meet!! Starting a new job as a cake decorator at Giant Eagle at the Yorketown location so once I have a definite schedule I'll send you an email & we can get together!! Have a happy (and wet!) weekend ~Kriss~
