Friday, August 3, 2012

I Disappeared !!!

Hello friends !! I feel like I went missing for real !! What a crazy time it's been.... We have a new home !!!!!
Let me be a little more specific...we bought a DIFFERENT home...but definately not NEW !!!
Such alot of work to do...and we had literally 2 weeks to be out of the old home, so as not to have to pay 2 mortgage payments for Aug. ....
My kids , my grandkids and a dear friend were all here to help !! and we did it !!!
I so wish I could share pics, but there is soooo much work to do yet, and I'm practically living out of rubbermaid totes, I don't have anything I'm willing to share right now...I have before pics, but oh no !! Noone is seeing those until it's
i have a HUGE lot, well, for me it is....almost 1 acre and alot of beautiful plants and flowers....but, along with all of this comes the bad part...the elderly folks that lived here grew beautiful flowers and plants to sell around the area flea markets and such....We even have a Greenhouse !!!...but oh dear friends...these sweet old souls were HOARDERS !!!
The wife passed away awhile ago and the husband is in a nursing home. The son was so overwhelmed he wanted to just sell quickly.... wow what a mess...we rented a HUGE dumpster !! and had it filled to the rim and need to rent one again to finish the outside....
I'm a little overwhelmed still , but I will say this...i've probably lost at least 25 pounds from all the work and not much appetite in this un godly heat !!
This house has sooo much potential and it is starting to shine through !!! I can't wait to have a garden next year and do a little canning like in the good old days when we were farming...oh how I've missed that !!
I am going through my creative withdrawls, but I guess it won't be too long before I'm set up with my studio and back to designing again !!!
Hugs to you all !!!


  1. Can hardly wait to see. Congrats!

  2. oh I can't wait to see your new digs and the gardens..stay cool;)

  3. How exciting Robyn!!!!!

  4. Hello Robyn, wow, does sound very nice, once you get all that junk out. Can`t wait ti see pics also. Blessings Francine.

  5. Robyn ~
    HOW EXCITING!!! Thankfully you had lots of help. I know it's a lot of work but will be so worth it.
    Congrats to you!
    Hugs :)

  6. Sounds like fun.......and a lot of work! :-) It will be beautiful in the end I'm sure!

  7. Robyn,
    Teresa told us you were moving! Wow! Sounds like you have quite a bid adventure ahead! It's so exciting to be making a change with good things in store for the future! Can't wait to see a glimpse of your new digs! Having a greenhouse will be awesome!!
    Cathy G

  8. Oh my goodness, how neat! Please share what you can and will, I. Sure I could learn a few things from you since husband and I are looking for a home that will need work.

  9. CONGRATULATIONS, Robin! If not yet a clean slate to decorate, it will be an exciting journey making it your own. With your talent, I have no doubt it will be wonderful. ... jan

  10. Hi Robyn,
    Good luck with your new home!! Have fun making it "yours" :)

  11. Congratulations, Robin!! How exciting! Sounds like a tremendous amount of work, but something that will have such huge rewards in the long run! Thanks for popping in and updating us! Can't wait to see!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Great for you! How exciting- a new home. Have fun decorating, and post some photos for us to see :)

  13. Oh my gosh! Been thinkin of you and knew you had to be "up to something" but not that! How exciting! Can't wait to see pics of the new space but in the mean time....we all will patiently hang take joy in your new home! wooly hugs

  14. I dont envy you all that work one bit...but I do envy you having a new home to do with as you want! Cant wait to see the pictures! katie

  15. Congrats on the move! A greenhouse sounds like a great thing to have! And a 26 pd. loss ~ sounds like win-win to me! Aside from the fact that it must be a huge amount of work! Forge on, blog friend!

  16. Sounds like a lot of work but will be worth it. You are so creative and talented that I can't wait to see some before and after pic's.

  17. Well now how COOL is THIS~!?!?! It's a lot of work but so much fun to start from scratch! You know I envy you for the acre and flowers and gardens! Share some pics when you can!

  18. So EXCITED for you..CONGRATS on your new venture..I can't wait to see all of the WONDERFUL photos you will be posting..and how FABULOUS that you will have a studio..

  19. How exciting and exhausting! Can't wait to see some pictures.

  20. Wow cannot wait to see the pics of your new home! Take care, janice

  21. How exciting for you Robin!! Can't wait to see your new home.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  22. Congratulations, Robin! Enjoy your new home!


  23. Congrats!! You had left me a message before about your daughter renting in waterford, I'd love to touch base with you about that. If you can leave me a post and maybe we could set a time to talk. Thanks!! ~Kriss~

  24. oh wow! that sounds like such a fun adventure! Good luck :)

  25. Congratulations. It will be a lot of hard work but so worth it in the end. I can't wait to see what you do!
