Friday, June 15, 2012

PHM Update...finally !!

" The hurrier I go, the behinder I get ".

I remember this on a sign I think in my Grandma's house ?? But anyways, this saying describes me lately ...
I have finally gotten my items up on Primitive Handmades Mercantile .
It seems as the update deadline loomed nearer, everything I tried to do, was in a hurry, as I'm still doing the running back and forth all hours of the day and night playing taxi to my youngest daughter for her job... I've never wanted one of my children to get their license so bad in all my life !! We just don't have alot of time to practice some things in the car ( parallel parking for one), so she doesn't feel confident enough to take the driving portion of the test...
Well, if you are anything like me, when I try to hurry, especially crafting , no matter the meduim I'm working with, I make many mistakes....I really do believe that the hurrier I went, the behinder I was especially busy, in and out all day, yada yada yada....
I did  finally manage to get pictures taken and descriptions and voila, update complete. I didn't even do much, sadly I only completed 2 items, I cannot imagine trying to do 4 or 5 this month.....
I'm off of here, and going to go visit with hubby , and relax...ahhhhh..
I hope everyone has a great weekend.....

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