Yes...it is finally that time !! No...those aren't the items for the giveaway, it's just an old pic of Christmas stuff, but it had a clock in the pic...get it...it's Time for a giveaway ?.....lol...I have had so many other things going, and put this on the back burner...But I wanted ,....no I MUST do this to show my appreciation for all of you...I know this is a "virtual" world...But you, are all very real people, and some of the sweetest, kindest, most faithful gals ( and guys ?) I know ....
I've been through some really dark spots this year, and when I prayed for healing and light it came, God is good !! And.......I found a soothing balm in the kindness and encouragement from all of you ...Please know, that in my heart of hearts, I love you all....( sorry for the mushiness ....lol)...
Now, on to the LOOT !!
Here are the rules, and what you need to do.
!.---------I will be giving away 3 items...All you need to do is put a comment under this post and yes...you must choose which item you would like if you were to win !!!
2.---------If you do not have a blogger account, or google account, please make sure you leave an email , so that if your name is chosen, I can get ahold of you via Email, and get your address, etc.
3.------------ If you cannot leave a comment, you may Email me through blogger, give me your name and email that is best to get ahold of you with.
Giveaway will end Friday December 9th and the 3 winners will be chosen that morning !!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item number 1# ... My pattern prototype "Primitive Skating Snowman " * This the finished doll*

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Item number #2 is my pattern prototype "Old Father Christmas Doll" * this is the finished doll*

And last but not least...for all of you Cat Lovers ....# 3 Ornies ..."Kitties In Stockings"

I wish you all could win, but alas, I don't have enough goodies to give away...But I may be having FUN GAME for a Christmas Yard Sale...I am thinning my herd of ornies....lol...So be on the watch out for that ...
Hugs to you all !!!