Yes....drool, lick your lips.....be green with envy....lol... I won
Kelley's " With Hook and Needle "Giveaway...This is a beautiful hand hooked rug, all squares and in wonderful colors....all reds, greens, and snippets of dark gold, tans and browns....Must be seen in real life to truly be appreciated !!
she went above and beyond to send me some yummy smelling wax tarts, a cute little Christmas plaque, a pipberry wreath with rusty stars, awsome piece of wool that looks to be hand dyed, and needle threaders....
Kelley, you are Da Bomb !!!....lol Thank you sooooo much !!
Girls not only is Kelley's finished work amazing, but her designs and booklets for stitching, hooking or punch needle are sooo popular and rightly so. Her designs are perfect for that folksy look and she's got something for every season !!
Hugs to you all !!