Monday, August 30, 2010

My New Cottage Shed...wish it was my

We special ordered the shed to look just like the house...I want to get a cupola for the top with a weather said too bad it's for storage it could be my craft room / playhouse....ahhhhh....I can dream ! Now to start decoratin for Fall !!! Fun !!!


  1. That would be a very nice place to call your own! Keep dreaming ;-)
    Have a great day!

  2. Oh Robin Sweetie...
    Your shed, but dreaming of a craft house and play house is adorable. Are you sure that your hubby can't be persuaded to let you take over this shed?

    I am in agreeance with you, it would be perfect for a craft space. Durn...

    Wouldn't a weather vane be precious. I can't remember who's blog I recently saw that on but their hubby made a copola for their house and added a weather vane and it was darling. I will pay more attention as I go through my visits again.

    Have a beautiful week. and keep pushing sweetie. Crafts...crafts...crafts...

    Country hugs, Sherry

  3. hi
    Your shed is just the best..A shame hubby put his name on it.just leave your craft supplies everywhere and maybe he will change his mind LOL.. :0)

  4. Some of the new sheds are big enough to be a cottage, lol. Would love to have a place separate from the house.


  5. Oh gosh I thought it was your playhouse! Darn...wouldn't it be great?

  6. Robin Dear, You are doing it wrong! You need to start putting a few of your things in your shed a little at a time and before your husband knows it, the shed really will be yours. He can have his Man Cave in the basement, just like the other guys do. LOL!!!

  7. A shed that looks just like your house? That’s pretty cool! I’ve seen some of my neighbors with this kind of concept too. I envy you for this. I also want to have a shed with the same design as my house. Anyway, your shed looks amazing. I love the wide doors that look like garage doors. :) -> Roxie Magnus
