Wow...I actually sat down and had a little creativity !! I've plugged away at Christmas Decoration Demo , and I am proud to say it is all down...inside...I did get some things from the outside down, but it is all frozen and full of ice and snow...Guess I better hope for a quickie thaw soon, allthough we are getting a good snowfall now, and Lake Effect Snow Squalls are being called for, so it will be awhile.
Just a side note... Be kind to one another...if you have a problem with another person, learn to say things in a tactful and polite way, especially if nothing was done to intentionally hurt you....I know not everyone is meant to be friends, but tolerance and kindness go a long way... I believe that we should love one another....it doesn't mean we have to be everyones best friend, or even good aquaintance, but love and respect them, for they also have feelings and emotions and the need to be loved or accepted. If you feel wronged by someone, I know it isn't always easy, but try to approach them with the infraction and if need be, respectfully tell them that you don't feel you can be their friend at the moment...
I know this sounds like a lecture, or as if I'm speaking to a classfull of
kindergartners ...but aren't we all just "grown" children ?We still carry alot of the hurts and insecurities we endured as children...We get over most of it, but we've been molded and shaped by these experiences, and many times the wounds we thought had healed may be re-opened when another person hurts us, especially someone we had thought of as a friend......consider this when dealing with others....
Much Love......
Robin xoxoxoxox