Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Been Gone Too Long Again

Hello friends ....
Not too much excitement at the moment ... We managed to get all of our moving out and in here finished on time, but now are living in an unfinished home. Yuk ! 
I'm not going to complain any further , it will get finished little by little. 
Now, as I write this, I'm not 100% sure if I have all the pictures on my phone here. 
I don't get on the computer much so I'm making this post from my iPhone again. 
A few things were done on the outside, I'll try to put the before and after photos. 
The shrubs in the front of the house were planted when I was about 7 years old. I would have kept them but they had started getting bare and  turning brown a few years before my Father passed. 
This year we noticed they had some kind of disease killing them. A weird mold or fungus. 
So they got pulled out and I got a good deal on some small box woods to plant there. 
Here is the only pic I can find on my phone of the front of the house with the old shrubs 
The shrubs arent planted yet in this pic , but you get the jist. 
We also pulled out the old concrete steps. Hubby and my oldest son tried to level them. They were sinking on the one side. But years of moles undermining the soil and the concrete was old and crumbly we just decided to get them out. 
My son had an excavator for the day so that just picked them up out of there. We have a lot of woods in the back. He dug a HUGE hole in the woods and buried them. 
This ugly little shack in the back yard was a major eye sore for me. 
It blocked my view of the back woods from my perch at the kitchen table. 
Since we had the excavator and I had 4 of my growing and very strong healthy Grandsons here, the shack was COMIN' DOWN !!

My hubby and the kids made quick work of it. My son Ryan was a pro with the excavator knocking it down and the boys took it apart, separated the metal and burned the rest. It's gone and I'm loving it !!!
I started organizing my craft room and managed to get rid of some junk. 
Here are a few pics of it. I've since changed up some stuff but don't have newer pictures. 

I hung a chair in the closet and stuck my wooden ironing board I. There. Lol
Here is an area at the end of the hallway I fixed up. There's never really been anything there. I wanted a light there but no outlet, so I ran an extension cord around the corner from my room. Lol

Here's me in my ratty tat work clothes busy organizing. Lol 
Till next time !